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Commissions, Inquiries and Investigations

Gadens multi-disciplinary team has extensive experience in numerous commissions, inquiries and investigations. We have a strong reputation in these areas of law, and are well regarded for our specialist, market-leading practices in advisory and disputes work. Our expertise extends across a number of industry sector specialisations including aged care and retirement, banking and financial services, business services, charities and religious institutions, educational institutions, government, healthcare, managed investment schemes and property trusts, planning and environment, private clients, property and construction, and superannuation.

Over the years, we have worked with both public and private sector clients and regulators across a number of industry specialisations which puts us in an ideal position to advise, support and work with those involved in a commission, inquiry or investigation. This industry sector experience coupled with our knowledge and understanding of administrative and public law, the operation of government, decision making processes and the responsibilities and accountabilities of government agencies and decision makers allows us to provide focused, commercial and strategic advice to our clients.

We have a number of very experienced litigators and regulatory specialists as part of our team who have been involved in some of the largest and highest profile inquiries in Australia, including the:

  • 2018 Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry
  • 2015 Family Violence Royal Commission
  • 2013 Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
  • 2011 Inquiry into the command, management and functions of the senior structure of Victoria Police
  • 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission
  • 2007 Equine Influenza Inquiry.

Members of our team have advised and appeared for government, commercial and private clients across a variety of State and Federal forums and they have acted for and advised Commonwealth Government entities, State Government departments, entities and Ministers in their own right.​ We have experience representing clients appearing before royal commissions, coronial inquests, boards of inquiry, disciplinary proceedings before professional and sporting tribunals as well as regulatory investigations and prosecutions.

Having former barristers in our team provides us with a competitive advantage in terms of advocacy and drafting. Our in-house advocacy skills are regularly used in the State Supreme Courts, the Federal Court and various State Tribunals. Unlike many other firms, we are in a very unique position to offer the advocacy skills at the level of Queens Counsel. The benefits of this include greater alignment between Counsel and instructing solicitor, greater accessibility of Queens Counsel for our instructing solicitors, and increased efficiencies including cost savings.

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