Over the past 12 months, a number of recent changes within the employment landscape have had a significant impact on HR teams across all industries. From casual employment and employment related class actions through to modern slavery reporting and the introduction of family and domestic violence leave, HR professionals will most certainly be challenged in […]
ReadmoreFurther to our recent Lifecycle Series article about the importance of written employment contracts, employers should also be aware of the importance of other pieces of employment documentation, namely policies and procedures. This article sets out our tips for policies and procedures and getting them right. Click here to view full size pdf. Employment Lifecycle […]
ReadmoreFurther to our recent update, the modern slavery reporting requirements under the new Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) have now commenced. The legislation, which commenced on 1 January 2019, requires entities based, or operating, in Australia, which have an annual consolidated revenue of more than $100 million, to report annually on the risks of modern […]
ReadmoreIn response to last year’s landmark Full Federal Court decision, WorkPac Pty Ltd v Skene,[1] (see our earlier article here) the Government has introduced new regulations which allow employers, in certain circumstances, to offset the casual loading paid to an employee against certain entitlements that may otherwise be owed to the employee if they are […]
ReadmoreWe recently published an update advising on Australia’s move to establishing comprehensive modern slavery legislation. The legislation proposed by the Federal government sought to establish a modern slavery reporting requirement, with its primary objective being to have businesses take proactive and effective actions to address modern slavery and to mitigate the risk of modern slavery […]
ReadmoreIn its final flurry of legislative activity for 2018, the Federal parliament has today passed an amendment to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) that will enshrine the right for employees to take up to five days unpaid leave to deal with family and domestic violence. This amendment follows a decision in March this year […]
ReadmoreIn recent years, there has been a push to ensure employees are not subject to sexism, ageism and racism in the workforce. The new term ‘flexism’[1], has now taken the spotlight. The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) has recently handed down a decision considering ‘family friendly work arrangements’ as a part of […]
ReadmoreNow that you have bedded down your recruitment processes (with the tips from the first article in our Employment Lifecycle Series – Getting Your Recruitment Processes Right), it might be time to review and consider how best to design and tailor your induction and on-boarding to suit your business’ needs. This article sets out our […]
ReadmoreGadens’ Employment Advisory Team is pleased to introduce its new series of alerts covering the employment life cycle: From the Cradle to the Grave… From Recruitment to Termination. In this series we will bring you regular updates with useful tips on issues that our clients have encountered at all stages of the employment lifecycle, including […]
ReadmoreThe #MeToo movement and its focus on exposing the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace continues to resonate loudly in 2018. What started in 2017 with allegations being made against Harvey Weinstein, then set off an avalanche of sexual harassment allegations being made against high profile people both in Australia and overseas. Further momentum […]
ReadmoreAustralia is slowly moving closer to the establishment of comprehensive modern slavery legislation. At Federal level, the Modern Slavery Bill 2018 (Federal Bill) passed the lower house last month and is now being considered by the Senate, and in the last Federal budget funding was provided to establish an anti-slavery unit in the Department of […]
ReadmoreOn 4 September 2018, the Victorian Government passed the Long Service Benefits Portability Bill 2018. The Long Service Benefits Portability Act 2018 (Vic) (LSBP Act) will come into effect on 1 July 2019, unless proclaimed earlier by the Government. Why has the legislation been introduced? The LSBP Act has been introduced to enable Victorian […]