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Gadens Connect | 2021 Edition Four

In this edition of Gadens Connect, our team provides an overview of key performance indicators as we move into Christmas; an update on the new Financial Difficulty Guideline; an insight into legislative changes in relation to witnessing of affidavits (South Australia); a summary of FAQs regarding mortgagee in possession liability; and an overview of smoke […]


COVID-19 | Commercial tenancy relief measures extended in Victoria

The long awaited COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Commercial Leases and Licences) Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2020 (Vic) were released last night and will take effect from 29 September 2020. Which tenancies will the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme (CTRS) now apply to? The CTRS applies to ‘eligible leases’. The Amending Regulations have altered the definition of ‘eligible […]


COVID-19 | Update: Changes to foreign investment framework and implications for the commercial leasing sector

Further to our previous article regarding changes to the foreign investment framework and the implications for the commercial leasing sector, on 24 April 2020 the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) released a guidance note which, among other things, provides clarification as to the effect of the temporary measures which result from the Foreign Acquisitions and […]


COVID-19 | Changes to foreign investment framework – implications for the commercial leasing sector

Introduction Effective from 29 March 2020, the Australian Treasurer introduced changes to the foreign investment framework which included the reduction of the monetary screening thresholds for foreign investments in Australia to $0. For information about how the new measures will impact on investments generally, see our previous article on the topic. Do commercial leases require […]


2017/2018 State and Federal Budgets: new and revised taxation measures

1. Proposed Vacant Residential Land Tax (VRLT) The Victorian Government recently announced a proposal for vacant residential land tax. These changes are contained within Part 4 of the State Taxation Acts Amendment Bill 2017 (Vic) (‘the Bill’) and will alter the Land Tax Act 2005 (Vic). The Bill is expected to be passed in June […]


Upcoming changes to the Estate Agents Act (Vic) set to tackle underquoting in Victoria

1. Background On May 1 2017, the Estate Agents Amendment (Underquoting) Act 2016 (Vic) will take effect in Victoria. In a targeted effort to crackdown on the practice of underquoting, the new legislation imposes additional obligations on estate agents and their representatives selling residential properties. With the inclusion of new offences and the threat of […]


Lenders can be liable for FHOG refunds

Recent amendments to the First Home Owner Grant Act 2000 (Vic) (FHOG Act) will enable the State Revenue Office (SRO) to recover first home owner grant  (FHOG) payments from third parties such as lenders.  This means that where homeowners have received a grant payment that they were ineligible for, or that they have subsequently become […]
