Timely reminder for companies to lodge their financial reports

Recent prosecutions and convictions obtained by the corporate regulator serve as a timely reminder for companies of the importance of lodging financial reports. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) recently prosecuted and obtained convictions against three companies for failing to lodge annual financial reports with ASIC within the specified period after the end of […]


When software delivers a therapeutic benefit: regulation of digital therapeutics

Digital therapeutics are defined as evidence-based therapeutic interventions that are driven by software programs to prevent, manage or treat a medical disorder or disease. As medical technological innovation continues at pace, more software applications and devices are under development to inform, drive or replace clinical decisions or directly provide therapy to a patient. The Therapeutic […]


COVID-19 | Medicines dispensing emergency measures extended

At the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government introduced a range of measures to take the pressure off Australia’s health care system, such as the introduction of TeleHealth and E-Prescribing. Another measure was to extend the Continued Dispensing rules to enable pharmacists to supply medicines without prescription to certain patients. These emergency measures […]


Immunity for serious financial misconduct – ASIC’s new policy

Overview ASIC has just announced a new policy that allows individuals who think they might have been involved in market manipulation, insider trading, dishonest conduct or other contraventions of Part 7.10 of the Corporations Act 2001 (the Act) to apply for immunity from civil penalty or criminal proceedings. This policy expands ASIC’s ability to identify […]


COVID-19 | TGA issues guidance for advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to Australian public

The roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia this week brings both excitement and questions about how healthcare services may advertise or promote the vaccines to the general public. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued guidance to enable vaccine providers, and the broader healthcare sector, to confidently navigate a highly regulated environment, whilst balancing […]
