FMCG Express | March 2023 Edition

The latest edition of FMCG Express goes straight to the heart of legal issues affecting corporate Australia in 2023; reforms to unfair contracts legislation; changes to the Fair Work Act; privacy law amendments; and cyber and data security. Partner Breanna Davies and the Gadens team of contributors are at the forefront of the analysis of […]


National Integrity Spotlight – February 2023

The February edition of the National Integrity Spotlight considers updates to the Corruption Perceptions Index, the Privacy Act Review Report prepared by the Attorney-General’s Department, the ACNC National Fundraising Principles, the recent Senate Estimates, reform of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal and the Perth Mint saga. Corruption Perceptions Index Transparency International Australia (TIA) recently released its […]


National Integrity Spotlight – January 2023

The inaugural National Integrity Spotlight highlights a number of key developments in the Federal integrity landscape in what is going to be a landmark year in this space. In this edition, we consider how organisations are preparing for the impending commencement of the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) with reference to the Commonwealth Integrity Maturity Framework; […]


ASIC is coming for your responsible managers

A key obligation of an AFSL holder is to maintain the competence to provide the financial services covered by its licence.[1] ASIC refers to this obligation as the “organisational competence obligation.” In order to comply with this obligation, Regulatory Guide 105: Licensing: Organisational competence (RG 105) provides that the licence holder must nominate Responsible Managers […]


Higher Education Research Commercialisation Intellectual Property Framework – a tool to increase collaboration and partnerships between industry and universities

Most Australians are aware of the strength and quality of our nation’s research sector, particularly in fields such as life sciences and medical research. Never has this been more evident that during the COVID-19 pandemic, when Australians could, quite rightly, be proud of the role that Australians researchers played in the global efforts to develop […]


FMCG Express | September 2022 Edition

In the latest edition of FMCG Express, Partner Breanna Davies and the Gadens team bring you the latest developments in the consumer, retail and hospitality sectors in Australia. In this issue, our team delves into the issues surrounding positive obligations to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace; risks and solutions when dealing with commercial contracts […]


Advertising under the influencers and changes to the TGA Code: Are you ready for 1 July 2022?

We are in a transition period in the world of therapeutic goods advertisements (TG Advertisements). Currently, TG Advertisements must comply with either the Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code (No.2) 2018 (Cth) (Former Code) or the Therapeutic Goods (Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code) Instrument 2021 (Cth) (New Code). The transition period ends on 30 June 2022. A caveat […]


COVID-19 | Navigating the vaccination minefield – what employers need to know

Revised as at 17 September 2021 Following our recent webinar, ‘Navigating the vaccination minefield – what employers need to know’, in this easy-to-download PDF we have put together a list of answers to some of the most commonly asked questions for employers navigating the COVID-19 vaccination minefield. This guide will serve as an essential tool […]


‘A reasonable and commercial construction?’ Patent time extensions after Ono Pharmaceuticals

The Federal Court of Australia has ordered the Commissioner of Patents to grant Bristol Myer Squibb (BMS) a patent term extension (PTE) for cancer drug Opdivo until 2031, providing certainty to industry around Australia’s intellectual property regime. Background BMS and Ono Pharmaceutical sought judicial review by the Federal Court of Australia after the Australian Patents […]


COVID-19 | TGA updates guidance for advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to Australian public

In February 2021, we provided an update on the guidance issued by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regarding the advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to the Australian public. That update is available here: COVID-19 | TGA issues guidance for advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to Australian public. Under the previous guidance, advertisers were restricted to republishing materials […]


New wave of litigation expected to hit Australia’s eroding shoreline

Last week, the Federal Court of Australia embarked on what is predicted to be a landmark decision, in the matter of AGL v Greenpeace Australia Pacific (Greenpeace). The case involves allegations by AGL that Greenpeace infringed its trademark rights and copyright when it featured AGL’s logo in a recent ad campaign, designed to pressure the […]


FMCG Express | May 2021 Edition

2021 certainly started with a bang; we are seeing a significant boost in appetite for advice right across our FMCG client base, including a lot of M&A activity, and we are excited to see how the year ahead unfolds. In the May 2021 edition of FMCG Express, editor Hazel McDwyer and the Gadens team provide […]
