Gadens Regulatory Recap – 12 December 2023

This edition of the Gadens Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, ACCC, AFCA, the OAIC, and Treasury, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators. ASIC ASIC releases guidance on the registration of financial advisers: On 28 November 2023, the Australian Securities Investments Commission (ASIC) released guidance through Information Sheets 276 and 277 […]


Gadens Regulatory Recap – 30 November 2023

This edition of the Gadens’ Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, ACCC, AFCA, AUSTRAC, the OAIC, and Treasury, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators and updates from the 2023 ASIC Annual Forum.  ASIC ASIC and AFSA sign refreshed MoU: On 16 November 2023, the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC) and Australian […]


National Integrity Spotlight – October 2023

In this month’s edition of the National Integrity Spotlight, we consider the annual reports issued by the Australian integrity bodies, and updates from the National Anti-Corruption Commission. We also consider recent activities of the Western Australia Crime and Corruption Commission, and the Australian Federal Police’s Operation Avarus-Nightwolf. Integrity Body Annual Reports  Over the past month, […]


Gadens Regulatory Recap – 14 November 2023

This edition of the Gadens’ Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, ACCC, AFCA, AUSTRAC, the OAIC, and Treasury, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators. ASIC ASIC releases second publication on insights from the reportable situations regime: On 31 October 2023, ASIC released Report 775 Insights from the reportable situations regime: July […]


Gadens Regulatory Recap – 31 October 2023

This edition of the Gadens’ Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, ACCC, AFCA, AUSTRAC, the ATO, the OAIC, Treasury, and some key legislative updates, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators. ASIC ASIC Breach reporting amendments: On 19 October 2023. ASIC made ASIC Corporations and Credit (Amendment) Instrument 2023/589, which modifies the […]


National Integrity Spotlight – September 2023

This edition of the National Integrity Spotlight considers the latest updates from the NACC, the Federal Court’s decision in a case that considered the application of whistleblower protections retrospectively, and the latest developments in various matters relating to the PwC tax scandal and consulting services Senate Inquiry. We also consider the recent allegations relating to […]


Gadens Regulatory Recap – 17 October 2023

This edition of the Gadens’ Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, ACCC, AFCA, the ATO, Treasury, and the Australian Law Reform Commission, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators.   ASIC  ASIC and APRA publish further information on joint administration of FAR: On 3 October 2023 ASIC and APRA published a Financial Accountability […]


Gadens Regulatory Recap – 3 October 2023

This edition of the Gadens’ Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, OAIC, ACCC, AUSTRAC and Privacy Commission, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators. ASIC 1. ASIC Chairman highlights cyber-security risks: ASIC Chairman, Joe Longo gave a speech at the AFR Cyber Summit on 18 September 2023 regarding cyber risk and cyber […]


Consumer gains – The regulation of sports supplement pills

Consumers of sports supplements stand to gain from increased oversight of sports supplements in medicinal dosage form through regulation of such supplements as therapeutic goods (ie medicines). The sports supplement industry has been regulated for some time now. For instance, oral sports supplements that contain certain high-risk substances, and claim to improve or maintain performance […]


National Integrity Spotlight – August 2023

This edition of the National Integrity Spotlight considers the latest updates from the National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), former DPP Shane Drumgold’s proceeding against the Board of Inquiry, use of ChatGPT and generative AI within the Department of Defence, and recent Australian Federal Police operations. We also consider the South Australian Independent Commission Against Corruption (SA ICAC) […]


Gadens Regulatory Recap – 19 September 2023

This edition of the Gadens’ Regulatory Recap highlights recent developments from ASIC, APRA, OAIC, ACCC, RBA and Treasury, including various enforcement actions taken by the regulators. Parliament Parliament passes FAR Bill: After almost two years in Parliament the Financial Accountability Regime Bill 2023 (FAR) has passed both houses. FAR will replace the Banking Executive Accountability Regime […]


Unmasking errors – the TGA’s post-market face mask review

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has recently had to make amends after releasing information about surgical face masks sponsored by M House Pty Ltd (M House) without authority under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth) (Act). The Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) saw a rapid rise of medical device inclusions in the wake of […]
