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Proper construction – the meaning of “for” within the context of section 6(5) of the National Credit Code

In the matter of Australian Securities and Investments Commission v BHF Solutions Pty Ltd [2022] FCAFC 108, the Court considered whether one or more of the fees charged by the Second Respondent could be considered “a charge that is or may be made for providing the credit” within the meaning of s 6(5) of the […]


Liquidator granted approval to enter into funding agreements and confidentiality orders from the Federal Court

Thorn (liquidator), in the matter of South Townsville Developments Pty Ltd (in liq)[1] (Company) involved an ex parte application by a liquidator seeking approval under section 477(2B) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) to enter into agreements to fund existing litigation and a request for the suppression and non-publication of certain details in […]


Gadens Connect | 2021 Edition Four

In this edition of Gadens Connect, our team provides an overview of key performance indicators as we move into Christmas; an update on the new Financial Difficulty Guideline; an insight into legislative changes in relation to witnessing of affidavits (South Australia); a summary of FAQs regarding mortgagee in possession liability; and an overview of smoke […]


When is financial product advice ‘personal’ and not ‘general’ under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth)?

In Westpac Securities Administration Ltd v Australian Securities Investments Commission,[1] the High Court of Australia considered whether the financial product advice given by Westpac to its existing members was ‘personal advice’ within the meaning of section 766B(3)(b) of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act). Specifically, was the advice given or directed to members in […]


Gadens Connect | 2021 Edition Three

For the third edition for 2021 of Gadens Connect, our team provides an overview of key performance indicators including the impact of COVID-19 holds across the recoveries portfolio, an update on permanent changes to the Justice Legislation Amendment (System Enhancements and Other Matters) Act 2021 (Vic) and an insight into setting aside default judgment by […]


Can parties to a mortgage contract out of a statutory limitation period? Yes, according to the High Court

Dismissing an appeal from the Supreme Court of Queensland, the High Court of Australia in Price v Spoor[1] considered three principle questions: Whether parties to a mortgage can agree that the mortgagor will not plead a defence of statutory time limitation, or whether such an agreement is void and unenforceable as contrary to public policy; […]


Overturning Orders for Possession on appeal – beware of an appellant’s new evidence and new contentions

In De Pasquale v ASCF Managed Investments Pty Ltd,[1] an appeal was brought against an Order for Possession made by a Master of the Supreme Court of South Australia on 19 December 2019 against the appellants’ property. In the appeal, Justice Livesay of the Supreme Court of South Australia considered the following: whether it was […]


Gadens Connect | 2021 Edition Two

In this edition of Gadens Connect, our team provides an overview of key performance indicators from last quarter; shares an overview of important changes to the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2018 (Vic) and AFCA determinations on Early Release of Superannuation; and addresses mortgagee in possession FAQs. As always, we welcome your feedback on this publication. […]


Mortgagee Beware of Equitable Lienees

In Condon, in the matter of Rayhill v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd[1], Justice Stewart resided over an application for summary dismissal brought by ANZ against Condon, a trustee in bankruptcy and equitable lienee, and considered: Whether an equitable lienee had standing in equity and under section 111A of the Conveyancing Act 1919 (NSW) (Conveyancing Act) to […]


Gadens Connect | 2021 Edition One

Welcome to the first edition of Gadens Connect for 2021. The festive season was different for many of us, with some enduring yet another lockdown, while others had travel plans cancelled or could not get back to their home state. This edition focuses on moving forward with COVID-19, and how we can help you and […]


Gadens Connect | 2020 Edition Four

This edition of Gadens Connect provides the first update from the new financial year for our clients in the financial services industry. COVID-19 has continued to impact business across Australia and we are continually working to support our clients where needed. We have seen our clients undertaking resumption activities with customers and preparing to deal […]


Gadens Connect | 2020 Edition Three

In the third edition of Gadens Connect, we bring you the second quarter update for 2020. These last few months have seen us all adjusting to a new ‘norm’ and the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has continued to bring to business and life in Australia. In this edition, we focus heavily on the impact of […]
