Would you download a fast food store’s mobile app, hand over your personal information, reveal your credit card details, and give access to your location data, simply to receive a free burrito? Me too. But how are we really paying for it? And what happens to all of that data? This article will let you […]
ReadmoreIt has been a tumultuous start to 2020, with the devastating droughts and bushfire season, followed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian businesses have been faced with unprecedented challenges, and the impact on the FMCG, retail and hospitality sectors has been profound. While some areas of the FMCG sector are on the up, others are struggling, […]
ReadmorePlease note that this information is subject to change as further information and guidance is released by Federal, State and Territory governments. In recent weeks, Gadens has been assisting clients to deal with a range of privacy challenges which have arisen as a result of the global COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses are grappling with the obligations […]
ReadmoreA recent Federal Court case shows why it’s important for creative people and organisations to develop standard terms and conditions that apply to their services. The case is Hardingham v RP Data Pty Limited [2019] FCA 2075. Facts Briefly, the facts of the case were: Mr Hardingham is a professional photographer. He is the […]
Readmore1. Changes to privacy law are coming It seems almost certain that significant changes to privacy and spam law will happen in Australia within the next 1-2 years. There has been a tide of significant changes to privacy law in other jurisdictions. Most notably: The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect in […]
ReadmoreInstant win promotions are usually considered games of chance in Australia. Here is an overview of the permits required, with our recommendations and tips to consider when running an instant win promotion. Authored by: David Smith, Partner Jessica […]
ReadmoreThe New South Wales government is proposing big changes to the way trade promotions are regulated. It has released a consultation draft of the Community Gaming Regulation 2020, which will give effect to the changes. In this update we explain the key proposed changes and some areas of uncertainty. Most notably: permits will no longer […]
ReadmoreJust in time for Christmas, the Government has publicly released its much anticipated response to the recommendations made under the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s (ACCC) final report into the Digital Platforms Inquiry on 26 July 2019. The ACCC’s broad reaching report made 23 recommendations in relation to competition law, consumer protection, media regulation, and […]
ReadmoreWhat is the Consumer Data Right? The new Consumer Data Right (CDR) will take effect in February 2020, first in the banking sector then later in the telecommunications and energy sectors. The Government’s objective is to promote competition, choice and innovation. For example, it should become easier for a consumer to change banks because they […]
ReadmoreHere is an overview of what permits are required for gift offers, Trade promotions update | gift offers: what you need to know. Are permits required? In some cases, yes. Permits may be required if there is any chance that a consumer will miss out on receiving a gift. It will all depend on […]
ReadmoreHere is an overview of 2019 record keeping needed for chance trade promotions lotteries, Trade Promotions Update | Record Keeping: A Guide. What do you need to keep? Each state/territory in Australia (except Tasmania) has its own requirements on what records must be kept for trade promotions. In summary, you’ll need to keep all […]
ReadmoreThe consumer data right (CDR) will provide consumers the right to access specific data in relation to them held by businesses, and to authorise access to this data by trusted and accredited third parties. The aim of the CDR is to provide consumers with more control over their data, which would give consumers more agency […]