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Voluntary Administrators – entitlement to an equitable or statutory lien over funds held on trust

A recent case in the Supreme Court of Victoria of In the matter of Specialist Australian Security Group Pty Ltd (In Liquidation) (ACN 094 807 173)[1] considered voluntary administrators’ claim to a statutory and  equitable lien in respect of remuneration and expenses incurred by them.   The facts Valdii Investments Pty Ltd (Valdii) and Abcit […]


Voluntary Administrators – entitlement to an equitable or statutory lien over funds held on trust

In the recent decision of Trenfield, in the matter of Crusaders Managers Pty Ltd (Administrators Appointed)[1], the Federal Court of Australia considered whether the voluntary administrators of a company (whose sole purpose was to act as the trustee of a trust), should be appointed as receivers and managers of a trust in order to deal […]
