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Developing Resilient Future Cities

The 2019 Asia Pacific Cities Summit (APCS) and Mayors’ Forum provided a platform for connection and conversations on cities’ innovation, mobility, liveability and sustainability. A powerful contingent of some 1480+ delegates, spanning 140 cities, close to 90 Mayors and Deputy Mayors, and entrepreneurs came together to solve complex problems to develop resilient future cities. What does this […]


Ravenhall Landfill decision confirms the scope of VCAT’s powers to review EPA approvals

In June this year, VCAT made the decision to approve a Works Approval to allow for the expansion of the Ravenhall Landfill, the largest landfill in Victoria in the decision of Melton CC v Landfill Operations Pty Ltd (Red Dot) [2019] VCAT 882. Originally approved by the EPA in 2016, the Works Approval was appealed […]


Digital platforms inquiry final report released – potentially far reaching privacy impacts for Australian businesses

  Key privacy related points The ACCC supports the introduction of much tougher penalties for privacy law breaches. A direct right of action (and class action) could be introduced for breach of the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). The definition of consent could be amended to require express, opt-in consent. There are recommendations to bolster consumers’ […]


Businesses pay high price for environmental non-compliance

In Queensland, businesses that fail to comply with environmental obligations under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 (EP Act) risk enforcement and prosecution action by the Department of Environment and Science (Department), including the imposition of significant fines and recording of convictions, as illustrated by the following cases.   Waste Transfer Business A company operating a waste transfer […]


Landowner wins appeal against Council enforcement notice

The Planning and Environment Court in Benfer v Sunshine Coast Regional Council[2019] QPEC 6 has held that an enforcement notice given to a landowner in relation to an alleged development offence should be set aside due to deficiencies in the content of the notice, including a lack of detail as to the nature and timing of […]


Development refused due to inconsistency with Centres Strategy

The Planning and Environment Court in Hotel Property Investments Ltd v Council of the City of Gold Coast [2019] QPEC 5, refused a change application (other) lodged in accordance with sections 78 and 82 of the Planning Act 2016 (Planning Act) for an existing approval from showrooms and a café to offices on a site located in […]


Strengthening Employee Entitlement Protections in the Corporations Act Amendment in focus – disqualification from managing corporations

Earlier this year, the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act (Cth) commenced.  This article will focus on the provisions introduced to disqualify wrongdoers from managing corporations. Please refer to our article summarising the other critical changes and key concepts for more information. The amendments introduce provisions empowering ASIC and the Court to disqualify company directors or officers […]


Strengthening Employee Entitlement Protections in the Corporations Act Amendment in focus – offences and civil penalty provisions

Earlier this year, the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act (Cth) (the Act) commenced.  This article will focus on the key changes made to the employee entitlements provisions.   The purpose of the Act The objective of the Act is to stop sharp corporate practices which improperly burden the Fair Entitlements Guarantee (FEG) scheme under the Fair […]


Strengthening Employee Entitlement Protections in the Corporations Act Amendment in focus – employee entitlement contribution orders

Earlier this year, the Corporations Amendment (Strengthening Protections for Employee Entitlements) Act (Cth) (the Act) commenced.  This article will focus on the provisions introducing employee entitlement contribution orders. Please refer to our article summarising the critical changes and key concepts introduced by the Act. The amendments aim to deter corporate groups from adopting structures where the insolvency of a corporate […]


Is a sand quarry ground lease a “retail premises” lease?

In the recent decision of Phillips v Abel (Building and Property) [2019] VCAT 1031 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal has once again considered the question of what is a “retail premises” for the purposes of Section 4(1) of the Retail Leases Act 2003 (“the Act”). The case involved a lease of a quarry at […]


Are you aware of ALL of the changes that have taken place in the aged care sector this year?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, we don’t blame you. Below is a summary of what has happened since 1 January 2019, and what you need to do to ensure your facilities and/or services remain compliant with any new legislation, standards and principles. The Department will be actively monitoring provider compliance with these new requirements, and it […]


Trade Promotions Update | New Permit Application Fees 2019

Here is an overview of 2019 permit requirements and fees, for chance trade promotions lotteries, Trade Promotions Update New Permit Application Fees 2019.   When and where is a permit needed? For chance trade promotion lotteries, you need a permit in: NSW – always, regardless of prize value ACT – always for promotions where the […]
