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The Federal Court demonstrates the flexibility and breadth of orders under section 90-15 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule in a voluntary administration

In Krejci, in the matter of Union Standard International Group Pty Ltd,[1] the Federal Court provides an example of the ways in which section 90-15 of the Insolvency Practice Schedule[2] (IPS) can be used to craft orders that balance the interests of the company, creditors and third parties. Background The applicants were the voluntary administrators […]


Re Cullen Group: When not contesting an application and agreeing to abide an order of the court can be… costly

In Re Cullen Group,[1] the Supreme Court of Queensland considered the determination of a preliminary question regarding the insolvency of Cullen Group Australia Pty Ltd (Cullen Group), which was placed into liquidation approximately four years prior to the hearing date. The issue of insolvency was relatively uncontroversial and, as noted by Justice Martin, “was not […]


Queensland Court of Appeal rejects ‘IOU’ as payment for debt

In Bayly v Westpac Banking Corporation[1], the Queensland Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal against a summary judgment granted in favour of Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac). Whilst there were broadly, two grounds of appeal, the appellant was self-represented and raised numerous issues and alleged errors of law and fact made by the primary Judge. The […]


Payment Times Reporting Scheme: understanding new mandatory reporting obligations for big business

The Australian Government has recently introduced the Payment Times Reporting Scheme under the Payment Times Reporting Act 2020 (Cth) (Scheme). Under the Scheme, which came into effect on 1 January 2021, large businesses and certain government enterprises are required to report certain information relating to the payment terms and practices that apply to their engagement […]


ASIC provides ‘no action’ relief for conducting virtual meetings and delayed AGMs

After the Federal Government’s proposed legislation to extend the temporary relief for corporations to conduct virtual meetings stalled in the Parliament, we speculated in our recent update as to whether ASIC would issue a ‘no action’ position, electing not to take regulatory action against companies conducting virtual meetings despite requirements to do so in the […]


International Privacy Checklist

Are you on top of your international privacy compliance requirements? It is crucial that your business is meeting its obligations. Gadens privacy experts Dudley Kneller (Partner) and Raisa Blanco (Senior Associate) have developed this complimentary checklist with LexisNexis Regulatory Compliance. The checklist is designed to help you identify your international privacy obligations and includes a […]


COVID-19 | Reminder to Landlords: 2020 land tax relief applications close soon

This article is issued as a timely reminder to Landlords who intend to seek COVID-19 land tax relief for the 2020 land tax year. Applications for relief in New South Wales and Victoria must be lodged prior to 31 March 2021. In this update, we summarise the application process, eligibility criteria and evidentiary requirements for […]


The expansion of statutory unconscionable conduct risk in commercial transactions

Where a statute proscribes unconscionable conduct in business, a company can be liable whether or not the person to whom the allegedly unconscionable conduct is directed is vulnerable or at a special disadvantage. In ACCC v Quantum Housing Group Pty Ltd, handed down on 19 March 2021, the Full Federal Court placed the focus in […]


Casual IR reforms – A new frontier for employers

On 9 December 2020, the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, Christian Porter introduced the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting Australia’s Jobs and Economic Recovery) Bill 2020 (IR Reform Bill) to Parliament, which sought to make significant reforms to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act) and other related legislation. The IR Reform Bill was drafted following […]


COVID-19 | No extension to temporary reforms to permit electronic signing of company documents

In a blow for advocates of efficiency (both technological and practical), the temporary reforms under Corporations (Coronavirus Economic Response) Determination (No. 3) 2020 (Determination), which had permitted the conduct of virtual meetings, electronic execution of documents and split execution of documents under section 127 of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Act) expired on 21 March 2021. Unless, and until, a replacement relief […]


COVID-19 | Medicines dispensing emergency measures extended

At the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government introduced a range of measures to take the pressure off Australia’s health care system, such as the introduction of TeleHealth and E-Prescribing. Another measure was to extend the Continued Dispensing rules to enable pharmacists to supply medicines without prescription to certain patients. These emergency measures […]


ASIC’s new approach to regulatory investigations: the challenges and opportunities presented by Express Investigations

Under the banner of ‘when pilots become enduring practice’, ASIC Deputy Chair Karen Chester has announced that ASIC will supplement its traditional investigations processes with ‘Express Investigations’ (EI), ASIC’s new and preferred approach to enforcement. Corporate regulatory investigations are often legally and factually complex, high-stakes and process-heavy. Mountains of documents and witness evidence are commonplace. […]
