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Meet our People

Pravin has 20 years’ experience in complex large-scale commercial litigation and dispute resolution, including a particular focus on corporate insolvency and reconstruction. Pravin has represented numerous corporate clients across a range of industries, including automotive and transport, infrastructure, energy and resources and financial services.

Pravin has significant expertise in complex commercial disputes, including contract disputes, disputes between participants in the energy and resources industries (including with regulators), negligence claims, misleading and deceptive conduct claims, directors and professional liability claims, commercial leasing disputes, shareholder disputes, product liability issues, corporate insolvency and reconstruction, government litigation and disputes involving the Personal Property Securities Act.

Pravin has advised various entities including insolvency practitioners, banks, and creditors on external administrations of companies, proof of debt claims, insolvent trading claims, enforcing security interests, and post-liquidation sales. He is experienced in handling voidable transaction claims and prosecuting breaches of directors’ and auditors’ duties.

Pravin is a Professional Member of Australian Restructuring, Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA) and is currently serving as a member of ARITA’s VIC/TAS Committee.

In addition, Pravin is also a member of the Turnaround Management Association (TMA), and a member of the TMA’s “NextGen” Victorian committee (2018). He is also a on the Law Council of Australia – Insolvency and Reconstruction Law Committee – currently serving as Deputy Chair of the Committee’s Victorian chapter and separately, a member of the Law Society of South Australia.

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