We strive to optimise value for our clients, and apply our legal insights and commercial advice to best support our clients’ needs. Our expert practitioners provide updates and insights into the areas of law in which we work on an ongoing basis. We think differently to most other law firms, and are recognised as a ‘go-to’ firm for legal insights and expertise. We regularly publish updates and articles on a range of legal topics and industry sectors.
What is the Consumer Data Right? The new Consumer Data Right (CDR) will take effect in February 2020,
Here is an overview of what permits are required for gift offers, Trade promotions update | gift offers:
There is no more important time than now for employers to ensure they know and effectively manage the
You may or may not have seen in the media that on 20 September 2019 the Australian Competition
At the moment, we have a perfect storm of Australian culture and the economy making for headlines. There
In the recent decision of Jack v Sigma Healthcare T/A Sigma Healthcare [2019] FWC 6364 (13 September 2019)
Following on from our previous e-update on the use of electronic signatures, the recent case of Bendigo and
In JPA Finance Pty Ltd v Gordon Nominees Pty Ltd,[1] the Supreme Court of Victoria held that a notice purportedly
In Glencore International AG v Commissioner of Taxation [2019] HCA 26, the High Court considered whether Glencore could restrain the Commissioner
It is well established that the privilege against self-incrimination and privilege from exposure to civil penalties can be
Here is an overview of 2019 record keeping needed for chance trade promotions lotteries, Trade Promotions Update |
White Constructions Pty Ltd v PBS Holdings Pty Ltd [2019] NSWSC 1166 (6 September 2019) (Hammerschlag J)