We strive to optimise value for our clients, and apply our legal insights and commercial advice to best support our clients’ needs. Our expert practitioners provide updates and insights into the areas of law in which we work on an ongoing basis. We think differently to most other law firms, and are recognised as a ‘go-to’ firm for legal insights and expertise. We regularly publish updates and articles on a range of legal topics and industry sectors.
Below you will find the recording from our recent Continuing Professional Development morning, hosted via webinar on Tuesday,
Below you will find the recording from our recent Continuing Professional Development morning, hosted via webinar on Tuesday,
With the impact of COVID-19 well and truly being felt by business, many may be heartened by the
The ‘business day’ in a new light As at 29 March 2020, the Morrison Government had announced sweeping
Please note that this information is subject to change as further information and guidance is released by Federal,
The current state of play The outbreak of COVID-19 has ushered in extraordinary challenges to the Australian and global business landscape. The Government response
The economic pressure on tenants and landlords during the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing resulting in the mandated closure
After having been introduced to the Commonwealth Parliament on 13 February 2019, then re-introduced on 4 July 2019,
The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019 (Qld) introduced additional requirements for witnessing documents including: requiring the witness
The Federal Court has issued a warning to insolvency practitioners, involved in voluntary administrations, to ensure adequate investigation
All of the states (but not the territories) require mortgagees to undertake reasonable steps to verify the identities
With the recent coronavirus pandemic, the current regulatory wave may see unique changes, with lawyers and GCs needing