We strive to optimise value for our clients, and apply our legal insights and commercial advice to best support our clients’ needs. Our expert practitioners provide updates and insights into the areas of law in which we work on an ongoing basis. We think differently to most other law firms, and are recognised as a ‘go-to’ firm for legal insights and expertise. We regularly publish updates and articles on a range of legal topics and industry sectors.
The Australian Government has recently introduced the Payment Times Reporting Scheme under the Payment Times Reporting Act 2020
After the Federal Government’s proposed legislation to extend the temporary relief for corporations to conduct virtual meetings stalled
Are you on top of your international privacy compliance requirements? It is crucial that your business is meeting
This article is issued as a timely reminder to Landlords who intend to seek COVID-19 land tax relief
Where a statute proscribes unconscionable conduct in business, a company can be liable whether or not the person
On 9 December 2020, the Attorney-General and Minister for Industrial Relations, Christian Porter introduced the Fair Work Amendment (Supporting
In a blow for advocates of efficiency (both technological and practical), the temporary reforms under Corporations (Coronavirus Economic Response)
At the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government introduced a range of measures to take the
Under the banner of ‘when pilots become enduring practice’, ASIC Deputy Chair Karen Chester has announced that ASIC
In Moltoni v Macks as Trustee of the Bankrupt Estate of Moltoni (no 2) [1] the Federal Court of Australia
In Condon, in the matter of Rayhill v Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd[1], Justice Stewart resided over an
On 1 January 2021, a number of changes to Australia’s insolvency framework came into effect, pursuant to the Corporations