Doing business in Australia

25 June 2024
James Beckley, Partner, Melbourne Brihony Boan, Partner, Melbourne Kelly Griffiths, Partner, Melbourne Savannah Hardingham, Partner, Melbourne Michael Joyce, Partner, Sydney Andrew Kennedy, Partner, Melbourne Michael Kenny, Partner, Melbourne John Kettle, Partner, Brisbane Clare Miller, Partner, Melbourne Siobhan Mulcahy, Partner, Melbourne Caroline Ord, Partner, Melbourne Melissa Phillips, Partner, Melbourne Peter Poulos, Partner, Melbourne Jol Rogers, Partner, Melbourne Doug Scobie, Partner, Melbourne Andrea Towson, Partner, Melbourne Adam Walker, Partner, Melbourne Patrick Walsh, Partner, Melbourne Matt Watt, Partner, Sydney Diana Diaz, Special Counsel, Melbourne

The Gadens Doing business in Australia guide provides foreign investors with an overview of the Australian business, economic and regulatory environment, as well as practical advice on how to go about setting up and doing business in Australia.

Australia is an ideal investment location for foreign companies looking to grow internationally, benefitting from well-developed infrastructure, a stable political environment, easy access to Asia Pacific, and a robust and competitive economy.

There are important considerations for foreign investors to make when deciding on how to enter the Australian market. Whether it’s the choice between establishing a new company, registering as a foreign company or acquiring an existing company, each option has its own regulatory and tax considerations.

Our guide provides an overview of Australia’s laws and regulatory bodies, addresses threshold considerations investors face in entering the Australian market and provides a summary of some of the rules and regulations that apply to everyday business activities in Australia.

At Gadens, we use our legal expertise and commercial acumen to facilitate international companies entering the Australian market as well as those in Australia wanting to expand into international markets. For more information on what we do for international clients, visit the International page on our website.

Doing business in Australia serves as an overview only and should not be used as a substitute for specific legal advice on the application of Australian law. Please get in touch with our team to discuss any queries regarding entering the Australian market and doing business in Australia.



This update does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. It is intended only to provide a summary and general overview on matters of interest and it is not intended to be comprehensive. You should seek legal or other professional advice before acting or relying on any of the content.

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