Discretionary Trusts to be automatically deemed foreign trusts – Victoria and NSW

The Victorian State Revenue Office (SRO) has come out with an announcement that from 1 March 2020 it will no longer apply its practical approach in determining whether a discretionary trust is a foreign trust for stamp duty purposes. From 1 March 2020, any discretionary trust that does not specifically exclude foreign beneficiaries will automatically […]


Death and taxes – one’s really going to hurt

As you will be aware, between February and May each year, the State Revenue Office issues land tax assessments for the calendar year to Victorian land owners (except where all landholding is exempt). The 2019 land tax assessment assesses landholdings owned by a land owner as at midnight on 31 December 2018. With property prices […]


Taxpayers sacrificed at the accountant’s altar

The Government has released its new framework for taxing private company loans which will create significant cash flow and tax costs for private business in a once in ten year bonanza for accountants. The new rules deal with “Division 7A”, which currently deems private company loans to individuals and trusts to be unfranked dividends unless […]


Government quashes MIT concessions for foreign investors in major Easter-eve crackdown

The cost of capital for new investment in Australian infrastructure and much of the property sector will increase following changes announced yesterday to the taxation of Managed Investment Trusts (MITs) that are “stapled”, i.e. the MITs lease property assets to brother/sister operating companies. The key changes will increase the MIT withholding rate to 30% on […]
