Quite often a lender will receive a request from their customer to support an early release of superannuation to assist with mortgage repayments and pay outstanding arrears in situations where the lender has commenced enforcement action for possession of the mortgaged property. Click here for full size image. […]
ReadmoreThe proposed changes are very complex as is evidenced by the colossal amount of explanatory material, compliance guidelines and legislation which the government has issued since the changes were announced. How do the changes affect me? The most significant change is the imposition of a transfer balance cap (TBC), which will impose a $1.6 […]
ReadmoreIf you intend to leave your superannuation to a dependant (e.g. your spouse, child or children) by way of pension as opposed to a lump sum, then it is critical that you have your estate plan reviewed in light of the government’s superannuation changes commencing on 1 July 2017. What are the relevant changes? […]