COVID-19 | Construction hibernation? The impact of Stage 4 restrictions on construction projects

On 16 August 2020, the Public Health Commander issued the Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions (No 4), Workplace Directions (No 3) and Area Directions (No 7) (collectively, Directions), which provide much needed guidance on the potential impact of Stage 4 restrictions on construction projects in Victoria. Although the various government websites and daily press conferences […]


Worth the paper they are written on – the importance of independent advice certificates in financing transactions

Socrates famously said “to find yourself, think for yourself.” The Victorian Court of Appeal recently disagreed and reasserted the ability of lenders to rely on independent legal and financial advice certificates without making further inquiries of their own. Jams 2 Pty Ltd v Stubbings [2020] VSCA 200 involved “asset-based lending”, lending on the value of […]


COVID-19 | The Court Speaks: Terminating leases in the age of COVID-19

On 31 July 2020, the NSW Supreme Court published a decision in the case of Sneakerboy Retail Pty Ltd trading as Sneakerboy v Georges Properties Pty Ltd [2020] NSWSC 996. The decision relates to an application by the tenant for relief against forfeiture, following termination of a retail lease on 25 March 2020. There is […]


When rent incurred might be elevated to a priority payment

Ford (Administrator), in the matter of The PAS Group Limited (Administrators Appointed) v Scentre Management Limited [2020] FCA 1023 In a decision made last week in the case of Ford (Administrator), in the matter of The PAS Group Limited (Administrators Appointed) v Scentre Management Limited[1], the Federal Court of Australia determined whether the rent incurred by […]


Changes to Mortgagee Power of Sale process in Queensland: is a vesting order still needed when a property is disclaimed by a Trustee in Bankruptcy or Liquidator?

Gadens has had involvement in numerous matters where land, the subject of a registered mortgage, is disclaimed by a Trustee in Bankruptcy or Liquidator. Recent changes to the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld) (Act) have simplified the process for mortgagees exercising power of sale and do away with the need for a Court order. Previously, […]


Pharmacies – Prohibitions against providing sales figures and paying percentage rent

The Australian pharmacy community is in a unique position in that it is afforded protections under leasing law that are not available to other retail businesses. The following guide has been developed to assist you with understanding the legal framework governing leasing arrangements for pharmacy premises. Our guide summarises the position in the different States […]


What’s that ‘new’ levy on my title?

You may not be aware, but there may be a ‘new’ levy on your title! On 1 July 2020, the Melbourne Strategic Assessment (Environment Mitigation Levy) Act 2020 (Vic) (MSA Act) came into effect. It imposes an obligation to pay a levy prior to certain works being undertaken in specified areas of Melbourne’s growth corridors […]


NSW Parliament Introduces a Statutory Duty of Care for Residential Building Work

In Brookfield Multiplex Ltd v Owners Corporation Strata Plan 61288 (2014) 313 ALR 408, the High Court found that a builder did not owe a common law duty of care to the developer of residential apartment buildings or its successors in title (including an owners corporation) for economic loss caused by defective work. The High […]


The Residential Apartment Buildings Act: 5 Things You Need to Know

Recent reports of structural defects in high-rise apartments including the Opal tower and Mascot tower have undermined public confidence in the quality of construction work carried out in New South Wales. It has also raised questions as to avenues open to property owners to seek redress for defective work and the enforcement powers available to […]


Owners Corporation Fees – How to recover when the lot owner fails to pay

In the current economic climate many lot owners may find it financially challenging to pay owners corporation fees. This can be problematic for an Owners Corporation where cash flow is crucial in order to fund the ongoing cost of maintaining the common property. Initiating the fee recovery process The Owners Corporation Act 2006 (Vic) (the […]


Developer loses appeal against refusal for overdevelopment of land for retirement village

In GTH Resorts No 5 Pty Ltd v Gold Coast City Council [2020] QPEC 2020, the Planning and Environment Court was required to determine whether a proposed retirement village was an overdevelopment of the land and, if so, were there relevant grounds to justify approval despite the overdevelopment. The land the subject of the proposed […]


Landowners win against council in rating categorisation dispute

In a major win for the owners of two Bunnings warehouses in Ipswich, the Court of Appeal has held that the Ipswich City Council wrongly categorised their properties for rating purposes. The decision highlights the financial impact, as well as the difficulties, that can arise in applying differential rating categories to land. The long running […]
