Employers, brace for changes to the Privacy Act’s employee record exemption

With everything and everyone moving online, going paperless and adopting flexible work practices, it’s no wonder employers are collecting more and more personal information, including sensitive personal information, from their employees. The employee record exemption At present, an organisation acting in its capacity as the employer (or former employer) of an individual in relation to […]


FMCG Express | March 2023 Edition

The latest edition of FMCG Express goes straight to the heart of legal issues affecting corporate Australia in 2023; reforms to unfair contracts legislation; changes to the Fair Work Act; privacy law amendments; and cyber and data security. Partner Breanna Davies and the Gadens team of contributors are at the forefront of the analysis of […]


Mandatory notifiable data breach scheme introduced for NSW government agencies

In a time of significant changes to the privacy landscape, not least the confirmed passing by the Senate yesterday afternoon of the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement & Other Measures) Bill, 2022 to increase fines and enhance the OAIC powers (see our recent article here), further well overdue changes were also announced for the public sector. […]


Good news for consumers? New Digital Platform laws to combat fake reviews, scams and unfair practices proposed

Last Friday the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) released its 5th report of the Digital Platform Services Inquiry. The much anticipated report deals with the competition and consumer issues raised in the Digital Platform Services Inquiry, the Digital Advertising Services Inquiry (2020-2021) and the Digital Platform Inquiry (2017-2019). Digital platforms are online spaces for […]


The Privacy landscape is heating up – but will tougher penalties and an expanded reach have the desired effect?

After a number of significant and high-profile cyber incidents in the last few weeks, it was almost inevitable the Government would take steps to fast-track its privacy reform agenda by seeking to push through headline-grabbing changes to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). Following the Attorney’s General (AG)’s foreshadowing on 22 October, 2022, the […]


FMCG Express | September 2022 Edition

In the latest edition of FMCG Express, Partner Breanna Davies and the Gadens team bring you the latest developments in the consumer, retail and hospitality sectors in Australia. In this issue, our team delves into the issues surrounding positive obligations to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace; risks and solutions when dealing with commercial contracts […]


Did Google get off lightly? ACCC v Google and ACL penalty regime changes

The Federal Court has handed down its penalty decision in Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Google LLC (No 4) [2022] FCA 942 (ACCC v Google)[1], confirming its landmark findings against the tech giant from late last year[2]. Google LLC (Google US), the parent company of Google Australia Pty Ltd (Google Australia), was ordered to […]


A change in Government may put the brakes on Australia’s support of AI and ADM? Or perhaps not?

The recent change to Australia’s Government will likely see a raft of changes. Of particular interest is whether and to what extent the new Labor Government will embrace artificial intelligence (or AI) and automated decision making (or ADM). You will recall the release of the former Coalition government’s Digital Economy Strategy (Strategy) in Budget 2021-2022. […]


How can insurance providers stay ahead of the implementation of CDR in 2022?

Consumer Data Right presents new legal risks and challenges for insurers. Consumer Data Right (CDR) gives a consumer more control over their information, enabling them to access and share their data with accredited third parties to obtain better deals on everyday products and services. The Australian Government sees the CDR as central to driving competition […]


UK Data Reform Bill – What does ‘UK GDPR’ mean for Australian businesses?

The UK Government’s response to the post-Brexit ‘UK GDPR’ reforms was issued on Friday last as part of London Tech Week. It was met with mixed reaction, locally and globally. But what does the reform of the UK’s data protection laws mean for global and Australian organisations doing business in the UK? How great of […]


Federal Court finds RI Advice failed to adequately manage cybersecurity risks

In the landmark decision of Australian Securities and Investments Commission v RI Advice Group Pty Ltd (RI Advice) [2022] FCA 496, the Federal Court found that Australian Financial Services licensee, RI Advice, breached its license obligations to act efficiently and fairly when it failed to have adequate risk management systems to manage its cybersecurity risks. […]


FMCG Express | March 2022 Edition

Welcome to the fifth edition of FMCG Express. Overseen by our new Editor, Partner Breanna Davies, Gadens’ team of contributors provide a snapshot of what’s in store for 2022. We are catching up on issues facing our clients and review potential legal developments in the FMCG space: from analysis of proposed changes to the unfair […]
