The new General Environmental Duty – What does this mean for directors?

Victoria’s approach to environmental protection and human health is changing soon. Coming into effect from 1 July 2021, the General Environmental Duty (GED) will be the cornerstone of the new Environment Protection Amendment Act 2018 (Vic) (EPA Act). The new GED will require all Victorian businesses and individuals to take proactive steps to prevent and […]


Amendment VC194: Fast track of state and local infrastructure projects

Amendment VC194 (Amendment) was gazetted by the Minister for Planning earlier this week. The Amendment inserts two new particular provisions at clauses 52.30 (State projects) and 52.31 (Local government projects) into the VIC Planning Provisions and all local planning schemes. Fast track of state and local infrastructure projects   The new particular provisions provide planning permit […]


If it walks like a duck… Telstra’s new payphones and what they mean for the streetscape

If it walks and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck… This is what the Full Court of the Federal Court decided in considering whether or not Telstra’s new payphone cabinets, which feature large digital billboards, constituted ‘low-impact facilities’ (which would be exempt from State and Territory planning laws).[1] Importance of decision The decision […]


What’s that ‘new’ levy on my title?

You may not be aware, but there may be a ‘new’ levy on your title! On 1 July 2020, the Melbourne Strategic Assessment (Environment Mitigation Levy) Act 2020 (Vic) (MSA Act) came into effect. It imposes an obligation to pay a levy prior to certain works being undertaken in specified areas of Melbourne’s growth corridors […]


Developer loses appeal against refusal for overdevelopment of land for retirement village

In GTH Resorts No 5 Pty Ltd v Gold Coast City Council [2020] QPEC 2020, the Planning and Environment Court was required to determine whether a proposed retirement village was an overdevelopment of the land and, if so, were there relevant grounds to justify approval despite the overdevelopment. The land the subject of the proposed […]


Landowners win against council in rating categorisation dispute

In a major win for the owners of two Bunnings warehouses in Ipswich, the Court of Appeal has held that the Ipswich City Council wrongly categorised their properties for rating purposes. The decision highlights the financial impact, as well as the difficulties, that can arise in applying differential rating categories to land. The long running […]


What weight should be given to a draft Planning Scheme or Planning Scheme Amendment?

A proposed amendment to a planning scheme may have drastic consequences for the development potential of land, particularly where land is proposed to be ‘down zoned’ or a more restrictive overlay constraint is proposed. There are a number of key issues which need careful consideration in terms of appropriately timing development in light of a […]


COVID-19 | 2020 The Year of COVID, or Year of the Pivot?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected society and business more than any event in recent history.  It has not spared any industry or sector, creating immense opportunity for a lucky few and decimating many others. In response, Gadens have seen businesses pivot, whether by expanding their service offering, changing their method of delivery or reallocating their […]


COVID-19 | Managing infrastructure charges and currency periods

Gadens understands the immediate and multi-faceted pressures placed on companies dealing with the fall out of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In these troubling circumstances, Gadens are sharing, across a variety of practice areas, some of our thoughts on practical measures which can be taken to relieve some of the pressure.  Our Planning and Environment Team has […]


The importance of owner’s consent

Where the applicant for a development application is not the owner of the land to which the application applies, the application is required to be supported by the written consent of the owner of the land to the application applies in a range of circumstances. The need for, and consequences of, not providing owner’s consent […]


Changing development approvals – don’t take the Court’s discretion for granted

The lack of unit sales associated with a development to be constructed in accordance with a development permit for 20 multiple dwelling units and a shopping complex (Development Approval), forced a Sunshine Coast developer to reconsider its options for the delivery of its project. To address financing and project delivery issues, the developer sought to amend […]


New koala protections for South East Queensland

Koala populations have been in long-term decline in South East Queensland with estimates that koala numbers have decreased by 50-80 percent in key habitat areas over the last 20 years. To address this situation, the Queensland Government released the draft Koala Conservation Strategy (KCS) in December 2019 and has followed this up with a range […]
