New National Gift Card Law

Following New South Wales and South Australia introducing a minimum 3 year expiry date on gift cards / vouchers sold in 2018, the Federal Government passed a similar law on 18 October 2018 which applies to all States and Territories. Click here to view full size pdf, with details. 


Zombie mark has no bite

Zombie marks may not be as ‘alive’ as previously thought. Partner Michael Owens and Associate Celeste Bennett point out how a 2017 trade mark decision may prevent a zombie trade mark apocalypse.   Zombie marks aren’t the bites from monsters you see in the likes of Resident Evil and The Walking Dead. In the legal […]


Copyright Modernisation Consultation Paper

The Australian Department of Cabinet and Arts (“the Department“) has recently released its Copyright Modernisation Consultation Paper (“Consultation Paper“), which aims to: address the current inefficiencies in the existing Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (“Copyright Act“) and regulations; and balance “the interests of innovators, investors and creators with the health, economic and social welfare of consumers […]


A “Sandwich” Short of a Picnic

The Trade Marks Office’s recent decision to register the sandwich inventor’s name as a trade mark has given rise to the age old question of whether “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet”… or in this case a sandwich. The Applicant, who runs an independent café in [southern] NSW, sought registration of […]
