Webinar | The Butterfly Effect – insolvency, class actions and government

Challenging economic times inevitably lead to increased litigation, from which government is not immune whether in the enforcement of powers or contracts or in the defence of ambit claims. This session examines recent changes in the current environment, exacerbated by COVID-19 challenges to the content of laws and the practical administration of justice and the […]


Webinar | Anatomy of an ICT project

This hypothetical case study, grounded in deep experience with public entities Australia-wide, will highlight common risks and pitfalls of critical ICT projects in the public sector. These expensive and vital projects all too frequently fail to deliver key outcomes and expose participants to extraordinary risk. This session will address the optimal framing of a public […]


Webinar | Picking winners – state support for target businesses

Targeted government support for industry development, such as start-ups and investment attraction hubs, is part of a new age of economic intervention in an increasingly competitive world. But governments have traditionally struggled to understand private sector needs and deliver outcomes aligning social objectives with those needs whilst discharging their public interest obligations. This session will […]


Guidance and government power

Regulatory guidance usually has little legal status, but sometimes legislation mandates it. However, a recent UK Supreme Court decision [1] on ethical investments demonstrates that, when laws and policies are confused and agencies stray outside their lanes, even legislatively supported guidance has limits. The Court ruled that local government pension schemes can divest from or boycott […]


FSR Wrap | July 2020

Gadens has launched a new financial services regulatory update publication to keep the market informed of the latest developments – welcome to FSR Wrap. Gadens has extensive knowledge and expertise across the financial services sector. In the July 2020 edition of FSR Wrap, Edward Martin, Glenn McGowan QC, Dudley Kneller and Gadens’ FSR team focus […]


COVID-19 | COVIDSafe update: legislation and source code

The Commonwealth Parliament has now passed legislation to regulate the collection and use of COVID app data. In addition, the Commonwealth Digital Transformation Agency has now released the source code for the app, which has allowed independent analysis of how the app operates. This update discusses the legislation and the commentary in relation to the […]


‘Black Summer’ Royal Commission could redefine Commonwealth, State and local government roles, responsibilities and powers around natural disasters

After close to four months of battling bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria and confronting devastating loss of life, property, livelihood and wildlife, as well as two months of speculation, a Royal Commission arising from the ‘Black Summer’ bushfires has been announced. The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will, however, inquire more […]


Victorian Government issues funding guidelines for the combustible cladding ‘rescue package’

On 19 December 2019, Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV) issued guidelines on the Victorian Government’s cladding rectification funding program (Program) for the rectification of combustible cladding of residential apartment buildings (Guidelines). Importantly, the Guidelines set out which owners are eligible for the funding, namely that you must be an owners corporation responsible for a residential building […]


The Brexit case – implications for Australia

Amidst the Brexit debacle, the UK Supreme Court[1] has invented a brand-new rule limiting executive power. Yet, the core legal principles supporting this politically controversial development are thoroughly orthodox and, despite different constitutional arrangements, may strongly influence how executive power is exercised under Australian law. Context The Supreme Court was asked to determine whether the […]


Hunting together – time to refresh memorandums of understanding?

For many years, both State and Federal agencies have formally co-operated under MOUs as an important means of performing their regulatory mandates. In the post-Hayne environment, agencies should consider refreshing their existing MOUs or establishing new arrangements for information sharing and co-ordination with other regulators. Agencies can take guidance from Commissioner Hayne’s comments and the […]


Development Agreements, the devil may be in the detail

The New South Wales Supreme Court decision of Crown Sydney Property v Barangaroo Delivery Authority; Lendlease (Millers Point) v Barangaroo Delivery Authority[1] highlights the need for government entities entering commercial agreements, such as development agreements, to judiciously choose the language used and to carefully comply with the terms, or face the potentially costly implications of failing […]


Federal Government and Cadbury seek leave to appeal Federal Court decision that left bad taste in employers’ mouths

The Federal Government and major employer Mondelez, who operates a Cadbury plant in Tasmania, will seek leave to appeal last month’s landmark Full Federal Court decision regarding paid personal/carers’ leave, to the High Court. The decision concerned the meaning of the word “day” for the purpose of the entitlement to 10 days paid personal/carer’s leave […]
