Mandatory notifiable data breach scheme introduced for NSW government agencies

In a time of significant changes to the privacy landscape, not least the confirmed passing by the Senate yesterday afternoon of the Privacy Legislation Amendment (Enforcement & Other Measures) Bill, 2022 to increase fines and enhance the OAIC powers (see our recent article here), further well overdue changes were also announced for the public sector. […]


Good news for consumers? New Digital Platform laws to combat fake reviews, scams and unfair practices proposed

Last Friday the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) released its 5th report of the Digital Platform Services Inquiry. The much anticipated report deals with the competition and consumer issues raised in the Digital Platform Services Inquiry, the Digital Advertising Services Inquiry (2020-2021) and the Digital Platform Inquiry (2017-2019). Digital platforms are online spaces for […]


Corruption and Integrity Update – October 2022

This month’s Corruption and Integrity Update considers the progress made towards the National-Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC), including where money is being directed under the latest budget; the Royal Commission into Robodebt which has just commenced public hearings; recent Queensland Integrity Reforms; and a status update from the Queensland Auditor-General. National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) Joint Select Committee […]


The Privacy landscape is heating up – but will tougher penalties and an expanded reach have the desired effect?

After a number of significant and high-profile cyber incidents in the last few weeks, it was almost inevitable the Government would take steps to fast-track its privacy reform agenda by seeking to push through headline-grabbing changes to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act). Following the Attorney’s General (AG)’s foreshadowing on 22 October, 2022, the […]


Higher Education Research Commercialisation Intellectual Property Framework – a tool to increase collaboration and partnerships between industry and universities

Most Australians are aware of the strength and quality of our nation’s research sector, particularly in fields such as life sciences and medical research. Never has this been more evident that during the COVID-19 pandemic, when Australians could, quite rightly, be proud of the role that Australians researchers played in the global efforts to develop […]


Queensland Occupational and Professional Disciplinary Update

The end of September saw the tabling of a series of Annual Reports to the Queensland Parliament. Within these reports were details from the various regulators operating in the occupational and professional disciplinary space that plays out across the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT), the Magistrates Court of Queensland and related jurisdictions. We have […]


Dismissing a local government employee? Don’t breach section 283

Local governments may consider that they have a robust disciplinary process that delivers procedural fairness through show-cause processes and investigations. While such actions may be sufficient under other employment law frameworks, local governments have unique additional obligations under the Local Government Regulation 2012 (Qld) (Regulation) when determining if disciplinary action is reasonable under the Local […]


Corruption & Integrity Update – September 2022

This month’s Corruption & Integrity Update contains a summary of the keenly-awaited National Anti-Corruption Commission Bill, details on the proposed Federal Judicial Commission, highlights from the various annual reports recently published by a number of Queensland’s integrity agencies and provides a recap on the latest information coming out of the Commission of Inquiry into Forensic […]


To post, or not to post? Out-of-hours social media activity for public service employees and employers

Introduction Social media is a fundamental tool used in individuals’ personal and professional lives. Considering the level of social interaction on online platforms, it is unsurprising that there has been an increase in employee disciplinary action, including dismissals, as a result of conduct on social media. What is surprising is that many employers still do […]


Corruption and Integrity Update | Fitzgerald Report 2.0: Key findings and recommendations

The much-awaited report by the Honourable Tony Fitzgerald AC QC and the Honourable Alan Wilson QC of the Commission of Inquiry relating to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) has just been released. In our opinion, the most significant recommendation requires the Crime and Corruption Commission to seek the opinion of the Office of the […]


Corruption and Integrity Update – Updates on the Coaldrake Report and corrupt conduct in the Queensland public sector

This month’s edition of the Corruption and Integrity Update provides an update on the implementation of the recommendations arising out of the Coaldrake Report and considers recent developments in publicly-released integrity investigations. We also recap the progress towards a federal anti-corruption commission. Coaldrake Report – Updates from the 26 July 2022 Estimates Committee Hearing At […]


A change in Government may put the brakes on Australia’s support of AI and ADM? Or perhaps not?

The recent change to Australia’s Government will likely see a raft of changes. Of particular interest is whether and to what extent the new Labor Government will embrace artificial intelligence (or AI) and automated decision making (or ADM). You will recall the release of the former Coalition government’s Digital Economy Strategy (Strategy) in Budget 2021-2022. […]
