ASIC commences proceedings against Vanguard Investments

Further to our series of articles on ESG, on 24 July 2023 ASIC commenced proceedings seeking declarations, pecuniary penalties and adverse publicity orders against Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd (Vanguard) alleging misleading conduct in relation to claims about the applicability of environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria applied to investments in an investment fund offered by […]


Mislead or misread? How a simple miscalculation resulted in the setting aside of an otherwise valid Bankruptcy Notice

The Federal Court of Australia recently considered whether a Bankruptcy Notice with an arithmetical error in relation to the exchange rate and currency conversion contained a formal defect or irregularity that could be cured by section 306 of the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth) (Act). Background This case concerns a judgment awarded by the High Court […]


ASX Wolf in sheep’s clothing: Federal Court grants injunctive relief for ASIC over unlicensed financial advice

In late 2022, ASIC filed an application with the Federal Court, claiming that the Defendant, Mr Scholz, was conducting a financial services business by offering direct and indirect tips regarding the purchasing of shares in particular companies through Instagram stories, online seminars and Discord channels. The court decided that this activity constituted financial product advice, […]


Set off vs unfair preference claims – uncertainty resolved

By an Amended Special Case, Derrington J reserved for consideration by the Full Court of the Federal Court the following question: “Is statutory set-off, under s 553C(1) of the Act, available to the [appellant] in this proceeding against the [first respondent’s] claim as liquidator for the recovery of an unfair preference under s 588FA of […]


Gadens assists ASIC to secure findings of contravention in failed managed investment scheme

Introduction In ASIC v Daly (Liability Hearing),[1] the fallout from the failure of Linchpin Capital Group Ltd (Linchpin) continued on 3 April 2023, when Justice Cheeseman in the Federal Court made findings of contravention of section 601FD of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act) sought by ASIC against four officers of Endeavour Securities (Australia) […]


Futureproofing Australia’s Payment System: Unveiling the Government’s Strategic Plan

The Australian Government has released its Strategic Plan for Australia’s Payments System (Strategic Plan). The Strategic Plan follows on from the Treasury’s Consultation Paper released in December 2022 and outlines a raft of proposed legislative and policy changes to the current payments system regulatory framework. The foreshadowed changes are significant and far-reaching and are aimed […]


More work to do – Inquiry into Banks dealing with deceased estates

On 9 June 2023, the Banking Code Compliance Committee (BCCC) handed down its report on the management of deceased estates under the Banking Code of Practice (BCOP) by the banks. The BCCC’s report is aimed at helping banks to improve their practices and pursue better compliance with BCOP obligations. In turn, it is hoped that […]


Buy Now Pay Later: ‘Walks like a duck’ regulation announced

On 22 May 2023, the Treasury announced that the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) industry will be regulated under the National Consumer Credit Protection Act 2009 (Credit Act). The move was announced by the financial services minister and assistant treasurer, Stephen Jones MP, at the Responsible Lending & Borrowing Summit. The announcement confirms that the […]


Senate to shine spotlight on concerning greenwashing behaviour

On 29 March 2023, the Senate announced a landmark inquiry into the practice of greenwashing in Australia, with its final report due for publication by 5 December 2023. This development echoes growing concerns both in Australia and globally regarding greenwashing by businesses across a range of sectors, including the making of vague, false or misleading […]


McEwan v Merrin (Magistrate) and Ors [2023] QSC 6 – Be careful how you draft!

McEwan v Merrin (Magistrate) & Ors [2023] QSC 6 is a judgment by Brown J in the Supreme Court of Queensland where the matter for decision was whether leave should be given to issue a claim and statement of claim (together, the claim) under rule 15 of the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (UCPR). […]


Majority shareholder in the Savannah: The Federal Court of Australia decision in VRM Global Holdings Pty Ltd v Savannah AG Research Pty Ltd (Admin Apptd) [2023] FCA 131

In a recent case involving Savannah AG Research Pty Ltd (Savannah), the Federal Court of Australia considered an application for relief by Savannah’s majority shareholder under section 447A(1) or section 447C(2) Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) which alleged that the directors did not hold a genuine opinion Savannah was insolvent or likely to become insolvent and […]


Liquidator exposed to personal liability after half-built boat left exposed to the elements

In Reel Action Sports Fishing Pty Ltd v Marine Engineering Consultants Pty Ltd, [1] the Court offered a timely warning to liquidators of the dangers of adopting and acting on an incorrect understanding of the ownership of contested property. The Court ordered damages against the liquidator personally, despite his position as agent for the company […]
