The penalty for a cause marketing misstep: Oscar Wylee update

The market for socially-conscious consumers who are looking to use their buying power ethically and in support of socially responsible causes is growing rapidly. This presents opportunities for businesses to engage with their customers in new ways. However, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) is well aware and is looking closely at potentially misleading […]


COVID-19 | Commercial tenancy relief measures extended in Victoria

The long awaited COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Commercial Leases and Licences) Miscellaneous Amendments Regulations 2020 (Vic) were released last night and will take effect from 29 September 2020. Which tenancies will the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme (CTRS) now apply to? The CTRS applies to ‘eligible leases’. The Amending Regulations have altered the definition of ‘eligible […]


The Singapore Convention Has Now Entered Into Force

Purpose One of the major roadblocks for parties contemplating mediation of cross-border commercial disputes has been the uncertainty, cost and/or delay in enforcing a breach of a term of mediated settlement agreement. This has often resulted in parties to a commercial cross-border dispute resorting to court/curial focused litigation or indeed foreign arbitral proceedings which are […]


COVID-19 | Sneakerboy The Sequel: A Practical Application of the NSW COVID-19 Regulation and Leasing Regime

In the second instalment of Sneakerboy, the Court applies various aspects of the NSW COVID-19 leasing regime and addresses the forthcoming repeal of the NSW COVID-19 Regulation, currently scheduled for 24 October 2020. The Sneakerboy Decisions The recent NSW Supreme Court decision of Sneakerboy Retail Pty Ltd trading as Sneakerboy v Georges Properties Pty Ltd […]


COVID-19 | Victoria extends rental eviction moratorium

Rental Eviction Moratorium Extended – 31 December 2020 In response to the second COVID-19 wave in Victoria, the Victorian Government announced on 20 August 2020 that the rental eviction moratorium under the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) Act 2020 (Vic) (Covid-19 Act) would be extended until 31 December 2020. The moratorium protects both residential and commercial tenants suffering financial distress […]


COVID-19 | ASIC publishes expectations of retail lenders when loan repayment deferrals end

On 13 August 2020, the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) issued letters to lenders, notifying them of ASIC’s expectations once the mortgage deferral period expires next month. Lenders had offered the six month mortgage repayment deferral period to their customers, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which debt is estimated to be worth billions […]


Webinar | The Butterfly Effect – insolvency, class actions and government

Challenging economic times inevitably lead to increased litigation, from which government is not immune whether in the enforcement of powers or contracts or in the defence of ambit claims. This session examines recent changes in the current environment, exacerbated by COVID-19 challenges to the content of laws and the practical administration of justice and the […]


COVID-19 | The Court Speaks: Terminating leases in the age of COVID-19

On 31 July 2020, the NSW Supreme Court published a decision in the case of Sneakerboy Retail Pty Ltd trading as Sneakerboy v Georges Properties Pty Ltd [2020] NSWSC 996. The decision relates to an application by the tenant for relief against forfeiture, following termination of a retail lease on 25 March 2020. There is […]


When rent incurred might be elevated to a priority payment

Ford (Administrator), in the matter of The PAS Group Limited (Administrators Appointed) v Scentre Management Limited [2020] FCA 1023 In a decision made last week in the case of Ford (Administrator), in the matter of The PAS Group Limited (Administrators Appointed) v Scentre Management Limited[1], the Federal Court of Australia determined whether the rent incurred by […]


Changes to Mortgagee Power of Sale process in Queensland: is a vesting order still needed when a property is disclaimed by a Trustee in Bankruptcy or Liquidator?

Gadens has had involvement in numerous matters where land, the subject of a registered mortgage, is disclaimed by a Trustee in Bankruptcy or Liquidator. Recent changes to the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld) (Act) have simplified the process for mortgagees exercising power of sale and do away with the need for a Court order. Previously, […]


Smethurst takes on the AFP with a win, a loss and ultimately no charge

The High Court in Smethurst v Commissioner of Police:[1] were unanimous in their decision that a search warrant gained by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in the notorious search and seizure of the Sunday Telegraph’s journalist Annika Smethurst’s home was invalid; and by a 4:3 majority, refused to grant injunctive relief to the journalist and NewsCorp, […]


ACCC’s scrutiny of APRA’s licence fees and royalties is music to some businesses’ ears

Everybody will be familiar with hearing music playing in the background in shops, bars, cafes and restaurants or on the radio and TV. Unless there are alternative licensing arrangements in place, these businesses are required to obtain and pay for a licence from Australasian Performing Right Association (APRA) to do so. The fees from these […]
