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Importance of properly formulating offers made in proceedings involving counterclaims

In Wiggins Island Coal Export Terminal Pty Limited v Civil Mining & Construction Pty Ltd[1], the Queensland Court of Appeal considered the costs implications of an ‘all up’ offer made under the Uniform Civil Procedure Rules 1999 (Qld) (the UCPR) and whether it could determine the ‘net result’ of two orders (each order made in […]


Can parties to a mortgage contract out of a statutory limitation period? Yes, according to the High Court

Dismissing an appeal from the Supreme Court of Queensland, the High Court of Australia in Price v Spoor[1] considered three principle questions: Whether parties to a mortgage can agree that the mortgagor will not plead a defence of statutory time limitation, or whether such an agreement is void and unenforceable as contrary to public policy; […]


Impact on mortgagees of a bankruptcy trustee’s disclaimer of mortgaged land

A mortgagee may be faced with a situation where the mortgagor becomes bankrupt and the trustee, in which the property then vests, disclaims the mortgaged property. We outline the process a mortgagee is required to follow when a mortgaged property has been disclaimed and summarise the key issues considered by the Court. Click below to […]


‘A reasonable and commercial construction?’ Patent time extensions after Ono Pharmaceuticals

The Federal Court of Australia has ordered the Commissioner of Patents to grant Bristol Myer Squibb (BMS) a patent term extension (PTE) for cancer drug Opdivo until 2031, providing certainty to industry around Australia’s intellectual property regime. Background BMS and Ono Pharmaceutical sought judicial review by the Federal Court of Australia after the Australian Patents […]


New wave of litigation expected to hit Australia’s eroding shoreline

Last week, the Federal Court of Australia embarked on what is predicted to be a landmark decision, in the matter of AGL v Greenpeace Australia Pacific (Greenpeace). The case involves allegations by AGL that Greenpeace infringed its trademark rights and copyright when it featured AGL’s logo in a recent ad campaign, designed to pressure the […]


PPSA: extension of time to register

The last 12 months has seen a number of court applications being made for an extension of time to register a PPSA security interest. In the following article, we summarise the key issues considered by the courts and provide practical tips for any secured party who finds themselves out of time to correctly register their […]


Timely reminder for companies to lodge their financial reports

Recent prosecutions and convictions obtained by the corporate regulator serve as a timely reminder for companies of the importance of lodging financial reports. The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) recently prosecuted and obtained convictions against three companies for failing to lodge annual financial reports with ASIC within the specified period after the end of […]


Re Cullen Group: When not contesting an application and agreeing to abide an order of the court can be… costly

In Re Cullen Group,[1] the Supreme Court of Queensland considered the determination of a preliminary question regarding the insolvency of Cullen Group Australia Pty Ltd (Cullen Group), which was placed into liquidation approximately four years prior to the hearing date. The issue of insolvency was relatively uncontroversial and, as noted by Justice Martin, “was not […]


Queensland Court of Appeal rejects ‘IOU’ as payment for debt

In Bayly v Westpac Banking Corporation[1], the Queensland Court of Appeal dismissed an appeal against a summary judgment granted in favour of Westpac Banking Corporation (Westpac). Whilst there were broadly, two grounds of appeal, the appellant was self-represented and raised numerous issues and alleged errors of law and fact made by the primary Judge. The […]


ASIC provides ‘no action’ relief for conducting virtual meetings and delayed AGMs

After the Federal Government’s proposed legislation to extend the temporary relief for corporations to conduct virtual meetings stalled in the Parliament, we speculated in our recent update as to whether ASIC would issue a ‘no action’ position, electing not to take regulatory action against companies conducting virtual meetings despite requirements to do so in the […]


The expansion of statutory unconscionable conduct risk in commercial transactions

Where a statute proscribes unconscionable conduct in business, a company can be liable whether or not the person to whom the allegedly unconscionable conduct is directed is vulnerable or at a special disadvantage. In ACCC v Quantum Housing Group Pty Ltd, handed down on 19 March 2021, the Full Federal Court placed the focus in […]


ASIC’s new approach to regulatory investigations: the challenges and opportunities presented by Express Investigations

Under the banner of ‘when pilots become enduring practice’, ASIC Deputy Chair Karen Chester has announced that ASIC will supplement its traditional investigations processes with ‘Express Investigations’ (EI), ASIC’s new and preferred approach to enforcement. Corporate regulatory investigations are often legally and factually complex, high-stakes and process-heavy. Mountains of documents and witness evidence are commonplace. […]
