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Corruption and Integrity Update – February 2025

In this edition of the Queensland Corruption and Integrity Update we consider the highly publicised release of the CCC reports into Mr Peter Carne and Ms Jackie Trad, as well as the tabling of the related Crime and Corruption (Restoring Reporting Powers) Amendment Bill 2025. We also consider the most recent updates from the CCC, […]


Legal Professional Privilege and Voluntary Disclosure to ASIC

The Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia has upheld an appeal by ASIC, finding that providing documents to ASIC pursuant to a Voluntary Disclosure Agreement does not necessarily constitute a waiver of legal professional privilege. Australian Securities and Investments Commission v Noumi Ltd [2024] FCA 349 is an important decision for the regulated […]


Applying the Rolls Royce treatment to limitation of liability clauses

The interplay between limitation of liability and set-off clauses When drafting limitation of liability clauses, it is important to consider what ‘liability’ is being limited and whether the limitation of liability (the ‘cap’) will apply to the total net liability after all set-offs are reconciled or whether the cap will apply separately to the liabilities […]


A tectonic shift – Australia’s first dedicated Cyber Security Act

Hot off the heels of its first tranche of reforms to the Privacy Act, the Federal Government has released a raft of cyber security legislation to ‘achieve Australia’s vision of being a world leader in cyber security by 2030’,[1] including Australia’s first dedicated ‘Cyber Security Act.’ Minister for Cyber Security Tony Burke introduced the: Cyber […]


Federal Court has bone to pick with Medtronic, awards largest ever penalty under Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (Cth)

The Federal Court of Australia in New South Wales has hit medical devices giant Medtronic with a $22 million penalty and a $1 million costs order in its decision of Secretary, Department of Health v Medtronic Australasia Pty Ltd [2024] FCA 1096, which was handed down last week. Pursuant to its originating application dated 31 […]


First tranche of Privacy Act reforms enter parliament

The long-awaited Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) reforms are finally here, with the Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 presented before parliament yesterday. After almost four years since the commencement of the Privacy Act Review, the government has introduced the first ‘tranche’ of these reforms. In tabling before parliament, the Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus […]


Is the finality of arbitrations now a myth for apportionable claims?

Proportionate liability now applies to the substantive law of arbitrations in Australia The finality of arbitrations is now a myth – at least in respect of disputes involving apportionable claims where parties have not contracted out of the proportionate liability regime. When parties to a commercial contract select arbitration as a forum for resolution of […]


ASIC continues focus on financial hardship processes

Lenders should prepare for both an increase in financial hardship applications and heightened scrutiny from the regulator on how these hardship applications are managed. The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) has found that lenders are not complying with their obligations in the cases of customers who are facing financial difficulty. As the cost of […]


High Court decision confirms proportionate liability regimes apply in arbitrations

The High Court of Australia has handed down a significant judgment in Tesseract International v Pascale Construction [2024] HCA 24, with a majority finding that the proportionate liability laws apply to arbitrations. The case involved a contract for the provision of engineering consultancy work by Tesseract in connection with the development of a Bunnings Warehouse, […]


Court orders Mercer Superannuation to pay an $11.3m penalty

Last year, ASIC commenced proceedings seeking declarations, pecuniary penalties and adverse publicity orders against Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited (Mercer) alleging that Mercer had made false or misleading representations and engaged in conduct that was liable to mislead the public in relation to financial services in contravention of sections 12DB(1)(a) and 12DF(1) of the Australian Securities […]


ASIC presses for penalties and crypto regulatory clarity with Block Earner appeal

The decision by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) to appeal the latest Block Earner decision should give crypto asset providers some cause for concern. The regulator has signalled that, despite some recent court losses, it is prepared to continue its focus on the emerging industry in its pursuit of regulatory clarity. In February […]


New draft ruling: Who is an employee, according to the ATO?

The ATO administers and enforces superannuation guarantee compliance under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 (Cth) (SGAA). The ATO has released its updated (draft) ruling TR 2023/4 on ‘who is an employee’, to set out its view on who is an employee for superannuation guarantee purposes. The update to draft ruling TR 2023/4 is a […]
