If it walks like a duck… Telstra’s new payphones and what they mean for the streetscape

If it walks and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck… This is what the Full Court of the Federal Court decided in considering whether or not Telstra’s new payphone cabinets, which feature large digital billboards, constituted ‘low-impact facilities’ (which would be exempt from State and Territory planning laws).[1] Importance of decision The decision […]


Cladding Safety Victoria Act receives Royal Assent

The Cladding Safety Victoria Bill 2020 (Vic) (CSV Bill) introduced 3 September 2020 has now received royal assent on 4 November 2020. The Cladding Safety Victoria Act 2020 (CSV Act) will come into operation on a day yet to be proclaimed, and at the very latest 1 July 2021. Key Features One of the main purposes […]


COVID-19 | Construction hibernation? The impact of Stage 4 restrictions on construction projects

On 16 August 2020, the Public Health Commander issued the Workplace (Additional Industry Obligations) Directions (No 4), Workplace Directions (No 3) and Area Directions (No 7) (collectively, Directions), which provide much needed guidance on the potential impact of Stage 4 restrictions on construction projects in Victoria. Although the various government websites and daily press conferences […]


Webinar | Navigating the infrastructure landscape for effective major project negotiations

Most significant publicly funded developments for major infrastructure – roads, rail, ports, tunnels and the like – intersect with other core infrastructure, such as utilities – gas, water, electricity – which may be highly regulated but are usually privately owned. Negotiating the rights, obligations and risks of the respective parties is delicate and difficult, complicated […]


NSW Parliament Introduces a Statutory Duty of Care for Residential Building Work

In Brookfield Multiplex Ltd v Owners Corporation Strata Plan 61288 (2014) 313 ALR 408, the High Court found that a builder did not owe a common law duty of care to the developer of residential apartment buildings or its successors in title (including an owners corporation) for economic loss caused by defective work. The High […]


The Residential Apartment Buildings Act: 5 Things You Need to Know

Recent reports of structural defects in high-rise apartments including the Opal tower and Mascot tower have undermined public confidence in the quality of construction work carried out in New South Wales. It has also raised questions as to avenues open to property owners to seek redress for defective work and the enforcement powers available to […]


COVID-19 | Electronic deeds valid in Queensland

What are the changes? Under Queensland law, prior to 22 May 2020, a deed was required to be in paper, signed under seal and in the case of an individual their signature was required to be witnessed. These requirements have been modified from 22 May 2020 until 31 December 2020 for all forms of deed […]


COVID-19 | Executing Documents Electronically and Serving under the Security of Payment Act

The Australian construction and property industry is experiencing unprecedented uncertainty in respect of COVID-19. Practical challenges arise in relation to executing, lodging and serving documents by traditional means. Executing and lodging formal documents electronically The Australian states and territories have dealt with electronic signature and electronic lodgement differently. A summary of the electronic signing of […]


COVID-19 | 2020 The Year of COVID, or Year of the Pivot?

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected society and business more than any event in recent history.  It has not spared any industry or sector, creating immense opportunity for a lucky few and decimating many others. In response, Gadens have seen businesses pivot, whether by expanding their service offering, changing their method of delivery or reallocating their […]


COVID-19 | Victorian regulations provide much needed guidance on rent relief obligations for Victorian landlords and tenants during the COVID-19 pandemic

The long awaited COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Commercial Leases and Licences) Regulations 2020 (Regulations) have now been released, giving effect to the National Cabinet Mandatory Code of Conduct and some much needed guidance for Victorian landlords and tenants. The Regulations apply to “eligible leases” for the “relevant period”, from 29 March 2020 until 29 September […]


COVID-19 | Managing infrastructure charges and currency periods

Gadens understands the immediate and multi-faceted pressures placed on companies dealing with the fall out of the COVID-19 pandemic.  In these troubling circumstances, Gadens are sharing, across a variety of practice areas, some of our thoughts on practical measures which can be taken to relieve some of the pressure.  Our Planning and Environment Team has […]


Continuing Professional Development – 31 March 2020 | Representations, warranties and indemnities and their relevance for contracting

Below you will find the recording from our recent Continuing Professional Development morning, hosted via webinar on Tuesday, 31 March 2020. If you have any queries regarding the session topic, or related issues, please do not hesitate to get in touch with the presenter or our wider team. Representations, warranties and indemnities and their relevance […]
