FMCG Express | March 2022 Edition

Welcome to the fifth edition of FMCG Express. Overseen by our new Editor, Partner Breanna Davies, Gadens’ team of contributors provide a snapshot of what’s in store for 2022. We are catching up on issues facing our clients and review potential legal developments in the FMCG space: from analysis of proposed changes to the unfair […]


New trade promotions regulation in South Australia

South Australia is introducing a new regulation governing trade promotions. Here’s how it will affect you. The new Regulation The Lotteries Regulation 2021 (SA) (Regulation) will take effect on 10 December 2021. The South Australian government consulted with stakeholders on a draft of the Regulation (see our recent update) but minimal changes have been made in […]


FMCG Express | September 2021 Edition

The first half of the year brought signs that the business malaise post-COVID-19 was beginning to lift, however, we are seeing ongoing disruption facing the FMCG sector. We are finally seeing some green shoots with the end of lockdown on the horizon. In this edition, the team explores the evolution of the digital consumer experience; […]


Unfair contract terms – big changes mean big risk for businesses

Many businesses will be familiar with the existing ‘unfair contract terms’ regime in the Australian Consumer Law (the ACL). Draft legislation has been circulated which will implement big changes, including potential penalties of $10 million or more. Businesses will likely need to review many of their contract terms, as the new regime will be much […]


South Australia shakes up ‘game of chance’ trade promotion regulations

The South Australian Government has now completed an extensive review of its Lottery and Gaming Regulations 2008 (SA). It has issued a draft of the proposed Lotteries Regulations 2021 (SA) for comment. These would replace the existing regulations in December this year. The upshot: incremental improvements While the Lotteries Regulations would introduce some small improvements, […]


COVID-19 | TGA updates guidance for advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to Australian public

In February 2021, we provided an update on the guidance issued by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) regarding the advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to the Australian public. That update is available here: COVID-19 | TGA issues guidance for advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to Australian public. Under the previous guidance, advertisers were restricted to republishing materials […]


FMCG Express | May 2021 Edition

2021 certainly started with a bang; we are seeing a significant boost in appetite for advice right across our FMCG client base, including a lot of M&A activity, and we are excited to see how the year ahead unfolds. In the May 2021 edition of FMCG Express, editor Hazel McDwyer and the Gadens team provide […]


Trade Promotions update | ‘Gift with Purchase’ offers in South Australia

We have some exciting news about changes to ‘Gift with Purchase’ trade promotions in South Australia. Read our full update below: If you found this insight article useful and you would like to subscribe to Gadens’ updates, click here. Authored by: David Smith, Partner Jessica Bell, Paralegal +61 3 9252 7701 | Sonja Muzoska, […]


The expansion of statutory unconscionable conduct risk in commercial transactions

Where a statute proscribes unconscionable conduct in business, a company can be liable whether or not the person to whom the allegedly unconscionable conduct is directed is vulnerable or at a special disadvantage. In ACCC v Quantum Housing Group Pty Ltd, handed down on 19 March 2021, the Full Federal Court placed the focus in […]


COVID-19 | Medicines dispensing emergency measures extended

At the commencement of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Australian Government introduced a range of measures to take the pressure off Australia’s health care system, such as the introduction of TeleHealth and E-Prescribing. Another measure was to extend the Continued Dispensing rules to enable pharmacists to supply medicines without prescription to certain patients. These emergency measures […]


COVID-19 | TGA issues guidance for advertising of COVID-19 vaccines to Australian public

The roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine in Australia this week brings both excitement and questions about how healthcare services may advertise or promote the vaccines to the general public. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has issued guidance to enable vaccine providers, and the broader healthcare sector, to confidently navigate a highly regulated environment, whilst balancing […]


ACCC seeks ban on unfair trading practices

On 10 December 2020 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (the ACCC) released its Perishable Agricultural Goods Inquiry Report (the Report). Purpose of the inquiry The ACCC’s inquiry into markets for the supply of perishable agricultural goods was conducted at the direction of the Commonwealth Treasurer, the Hon. Josh Frydenberg MP. The ACCC conducted a […]
