‘Black Summer’ Royal Commission could redefine Commonwealth, State and local government roles, responsibilities and powers around natural disasters

After close to four months of battling bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria and confronting devastating loss of life, property, livelihood and wildlife, as well as two months of speculation, a Royal Commission arising from the ‘Black Summer’ bushfires has been announced. The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will, however, inquire more […]


Hunting together – time to refresh memorandums of understanding?

For many years, both State and Federal agencies have formally co-operated under MOUs as an important means of performing their regulatory mandates. In the post-Hayne environment, agencies should consider refreshing their existing MOUs or establishing new arrangements for information sharing and co-ordination with other regulators. Agencies can take guidance from Commissioner Hayne’s comments and the […]


What is missing in the Draft Single Charter of Aged Care Rights?

The draft ‘Charter of Aged Care Rights Consultation Paper’ outlines the basis for the development of a single Charter of Aged Care Rights. Once finalised the Charter will be part of the legislative framework that governs the aged care industry. A copy of the Draft Charter of Aged Care Rights can be accessed here. What […]


Royal Commission to be established to look at Australia’s aged care sector – what might providers expect?

In a joint statement with the Health Minister Greg Hunt and the Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt, Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced that the Government has made a decision to establish a Royal Commission into the Aged Care Sector. The announcement recognised that there are ‘thousands of extraordinary operators, facilities, care providers, nursing and other […]
