COVID-19 | Managing coronavirus in the workplace: Is your business “pandemic” ready?

It has been a turbulent start to the incoming decade as many Australian businesses have had to deal with the implications of major natural disasters and pandemics, from unprecedented bushfires to a global outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). To assist employers we have created a guide to serve as the foundation for business decisions […]


Why creative people and organisations need terms and conditions

A recent Federal Court case shows why it’s important for creative people and organisations to develop standard terms and conditions that apply to their services. The case is Hardingham v RP Data Pty Limited [2019] FCA 2075.   Facts Briefly, the facts of the case were: Mr Hardingham is a professional photographer.  He is the […]


High Court confirms who is an “officer”

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) today succeeded in a major High Court decision[1] on who is a company “officer” potentially liable for penalties under the Corporations Act. The High Court unanimously held that the definition of “officer” is not limited to those who hold or occupy a named office in a corporation or […]


Forfeiture of non-proprietary interests

Equity may intervene to prevent the unconscionable exercise of a right to terminate a commercial contract. Whether equity will intervene to prevent the loss of a non-proprietary interest is controversial. Recent Victorian decisions have created greater uncertainty. Equitable principles are available to restrict the entitlement of an innocent party to terminate a contract for breach […]


COVID-19 | Is your organisation ready for the business and operational impact of the COVID-19 in aged care?

Updates from the Department of Health The Guidelines for the Prevention, Control and Public Health Management of Influenza Outbreaks in Residential Care Facilities in Australia (Influenza Outbreak Guidelines) and the Series of National Guidelines (SoNGs) provide aged care providers with best practice guidelines for, preparing for, preventing, identifying and managing outbreaks of influenza in residential […]


You are on notice – comply or run the risk of serious consequences well beyond back-pay!

“…if there is a major business in Australia who doesn’t consider itself on notice that they have to invest and improve their systems of payments, and their platforms, and their technology, and their auditing, then that system, that company would have rocks in its head… you’re on notice.” Industrial Relations Minister and Attorney-General Christian Porter […]


How to gain a marketplace advantage by anticipating privacy law changes

1.            Changes to privacy law are coming It seems almost certain that significant changes to privacy and spam law will happen in Australia within the next 1-2 years. There has been a tide of significant changes to privacy law in other jurisdictions.  Most notably: The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) took effect in […]


Responding to a subpoena – is it always necessary to lay everything bare?

In Harvard Nominees Pty Ltd v Tiller,[1] the Federal Court of Australia was tasked with considering the grounds on which a subpoena to produce may be set aside.  Interestingly, the subpoenas in question were made for third parties (which were related to the respondents) to produce financial records and other documents to the Court in the context […]


Earth to the Mothership: a reminder to liquidators bringing group unfair preference claims to follow the rules

Recently, some liquidators appear to prefer to commence unfair preference claims against multiple defendants within a single proceeding, rather than multiple separate proceedings. Proceedings commenced in this way are often referred to as ‘mothership proceedings’. The appeal of ‘mothership proceedings’ from the liquidators’ point of view is obvious. Justice Brereton in Re Bias Boating Pty Ltd[1]  […]


Gadens Connect | 2020 Edition One

Welcome to Gadens Connect – a newsletter to share insights, trends and opportunities for our clients in the financial services industry. In this edition we share some key performance insights from 2019 and provide an overview of topics including updates to our GPSR platform (automation and integration solutions), MIP sale obligations and updates to the […]


Top 10 HR Issues of 2020

While 2019 saw a number of changes across the employment landscape that have had a significant impact on HR teams in all industries, that trend seems set to only continue.  From annualised wage arrangements, employee classification and underpayments issues, through to modern slavery reporting and whistleblowing reforms and their practical implications, HR professionals will certainly […]


‘Black Summer’ Royal Commission could redefine Commonwealth, State and local government roles, responsibilities and powers around natural disasters

After close to four months of battling bushfires in New South Wales and Victoria and confronting devastating loss of life, property, livelihood and wildlife, as well as two months of speculation, a Royal Commission arising from the ‘Black Summer’ bushfires has been announced. The Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will, however, inquire more […]
