An overview of the changes to the witnessing requirements for Queensland Land Registry forms

The Natural Resources and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2019 (Qld) introduced additional requirements for witnessing documents including: requiring the witness to take reasonable steps to verify the identity of an individual and to ensure the individual is the person entitled to sign the document; requiring the witness to keep a written record of the steps they took […]


To carry out no or little investigation and to say nothing is not an option – a warning to insolvency practitioners

The Federal Court has issued a warning to insolvency practitioners, involved in voluntary administrations, to ensure adequate investigation and reporting occurs of matters that have the potential to materially affect the outcome of the administration. In Adelaide Brighton Cement Limited, in the matter of Concrete Supply Pty Ltd v Concrete Supply Pty Ltd (Subject  to Deed […]


COVID-19 | Verification of identity – the need to go digital

All of the states (but not the territories) require mortgagees to undertake reasonable steps to verify the identities of mortgagors, commonly through a framework called the “Verification of Identity Standard” (VOI Standard) undertaken by specialised “Identity Agents” e.g. lawyers or other agents with professional indemnity insurance. Where they do not, and the mortgage instrument is […]


COVID-19 | Regulatory wave needs to crash against COVID-19 wall

With the recent coronavirus pandemic, the current regulatory wave may see unique changes, with lawyers and GCs needing to prepare as uncertainty sweeps through businesses. It is no secret that the financial services industry entered this year riding a regulatory wave in the wake of the Hayne royal commission’s findings of widespread misconduct. There has […]


COVID-19 | COVID-19 and rent reviews: rent reductions in a recession?

Economic impact of COVID-19 On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organisation formally declared the outbreak of COVID-19 as a global pandemic.  To varying degrees around the globe, countries have enforced travel bans and closures of non-essential public gatherings. Unsurprisingly, the declaration of the pandemic prompted global panic, with grave political and economic ramifications.  Small […]


COVID-19 | Emergency Amendments to Insolvency Laws

Government moves to amend insolvency laws The Commonwealth Government announced a range of temporary amendments to certain insolvency laws as part of its economic response to COVID-19. The amendments will temporarily affect insolvency laws, corporate governance, and directors’ duties. The purpose of the amendments is to support otherwise viable businesses which will temporarily suffer financial […]


COVID-19 | Cash is King – 4 ways your business can best respond to the challenges of COVID-19

The coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak is undoubtedly tragic for the thousands affected, with Governments around the world having to act swiftly and assertively to protect vulnerable people. But there is underlying harm being caused to the economy, too – and the real impact of this cost is only just emerging. We’ve all heard the saying before […]


The importance of owner’s consent

Where the applicant for a development application is not the owner of the land to which the application applies, the application is required to be supported by the written consent of the owner of the land to the application applies in a range of circumstances. The need for, and consequences of, not providing owner’s consent […]


Changing development approvals – don’t take the Court’s discretion for granted

The lack of unit sales associated with a development to be constructed in accordance with a development permit for 20 multiple dwelling units and a shopping complex (Development Approval), forced a Sunshine Coast developer to reconsider its options for the delivery of its project. To address financing and project delivery issues, the developer sought to amend […]


New koala protections for South East Queensland

Koala populations have been in long-term decline in South East Queensland with estimates that koala numbers have decreased by 50-80 percent in key habitat areas over the last 20 years. To address this situation, the Queensland Government released the draft Koala Conservation Strategy (KCS) in December 2019 and has followed this up with a range […]


What is good for the goose…climate change disclosure and the public sector

Introduction Australia’s peak regulators, including the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), the Accounting Standards Review Board and the Reserve Bank of Australia, are exerting increasing pressure on private companies to report on climate change risk in accordance with guidelines issued by the Financial […]


The approvals climate is changing

In proceedings[1] brought by environmental groups, councils and the Mayor of London, the English Court of Appeal has ruled unlawful a decision, to allow the expansion of Heathrow Airport by the construction of a third runway, because it did not take the United Kingdom government’s policy and commitments on climate change into account. Background For many […]
