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Federal Court takes aim at expert’s ‘independent’ evidence: When lawyers can taint an expert’s report

The case of New Aim Pty Ltd v Leung [2022] FCA 722 concerned a dispute between an e-commerce company and its former employees regarding the use of confidential information acquired during the course of employment. A significant issue in the case, which is the focus of this article, was whether the Court should reject an […]


Working smarter not harder: How liquidators can expedite the process for adjudicating and admitting claims when winding up a company

In a recent case involving a former financial services provider in liquidation, thousands of pending claims from former customers and a letter of comfort with a looming expiry date, the Liquidators appointed to wind up Forex Capital Trading Pty Limited successfully applied to the Federal Court of Australia for orders permitting them to conduct an […]


Can a disclaimer retrospectively reduce a trust beneficiary’s taxation liabilities?

The beneficiaries of a trust estate executed disclaimers of income more than two years after the end of the relevant income year (2014). The Full Court of the Federal Court agreed that the disclaimers were effective to reduce the beneficiaries’ taxation liabilities in the 2014 income year, despite being executed after the year ended. The […]


Corruption and Integrity Update | Fitzgerald Report 2.0: Key findings and recommendations

The much-awaited report by the Honourable Tony Fitzgerald AC QC and the Honourable Alan Wilson QC of the Commission of Inquiry relating to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) has just been released. In our opinion, the most significant recommendation requires the Crime and Corruption Commission to seek the opinion of the Office of the […]


Corruption and Integrity Update – Updates on the Coaldrake Report and corrupt conduct in the Queensland public sector

This month’s edition of the Corruption and Integrity Update provides an update on the implementation of the recommendations arising out of the Coaldrake Report and considers recent developments in publicly-released integrity investigations. We also recap the progress towards a federal anti-corruption commission. Coaldrake Report – Updates from the 26 July 2022 Estimates Committee Hearing At […]


Embedded networks live on as Victorian reform for residential embedded networks slowly takes shape

New embedded networks in residential apartment buildings will be banned from January 2023 unless 100% of electricity is sourced from renewable energy, with at least 5% being sourced from on-site generation. Existing embedded networks in residential sites, including apartment buildings, retirement villages, social housing and residential/caravan parks, will transition to a new regulatory regime, moving through […]


Directors beware – personal recovery orders made where director’s duties breached

In the matter of Bryve Resources Pty Ltd [2022] NSWSC 647, the Court accepted the liquidator’s evidence of alleged breaches and found the company’s sole director breached his director’s duties, including failing to act with due care and skill, or in the best interest of the company and its creditors, when allowing the company to […]


You’ve been served! Federal Court of Australia affirms recent amendments to modernise the Corporations Act

In Bioaction Pty Ltd -v- Ogborne, in the matter of Bioaction Pty Ltd [2022] FCA 436 (Bioaction), her Honour Justice Cheeseman considered whether an application to set aside a statutory demand was served within the 21-day period as provided for in Section 459G of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (the Act). In deciding this matter, […]


Power to sell – Federal Court exercises discretion to allow company to realise trust assets

In Brooks, in the matter of Tease Hair & Spa Pty Ltd (in liquidation),[1] the Federal Court made orders in favour of the Liquidator, pursuant to section 90-15 of Schedule 2 to the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Insolvency Practice Schedule (Corporations)) and section 47 of the Trustee Act 1989 (Tas) allowing the Liquidator to realise […]


Shell company leads to successful unconscionable conduct claim for ‘wilful blindness’

The High Court has resolved to hold lenders responsible where they are wilfully blind to the position of a guarantor or take advantage of an individual’s lack of business acumen or financial resources. This extended to the use of independent legal and financial advice certificates (certificates) in relation to asset-based lending. The decision serves as […]


New psychological health regulations for Victorian employers

The Occupational Health and Safety Amendment (Psychological Health) Regulations (Vic) (proposed Regulations) are expected to commence in mid-2022, subject to approval by the Minister, which is anticipated to occur shortly. Under Victorian OHS laws, an employer must, so far as is reasonably practicable, provide and maintain a working environment that is safe and without risks […]


A change in Government may put the brakes on Australia’s support of AI and ADM? Or perhaps not?

The recent change to Australia’s Government will likely see a raft of changes. Of particular interest is whether and to what extent the new Labor Government will embrace artificial intelligence (or AI) and automated decision making (or ADM). You will recall the release of the former Coalition government’s Digital Economy Strategy (Strategy) in Budget 2021-2022. […]
