ASIC is coming for your responsible managers

A key obligation of an AFSL holder is to maintain the competence to provide the financial services covered by its licence.[1] ASIC refers to this obligation as the “organisational competence obligation.” In order to comply with this obligation, Regulatory Guide 105: Licensing: Organisational competence (RG 105) provides that the licence holder must nominate Responsible Managers […]


Buy Now Pay Later Options Paper: The reforms start to take shape

On 21 November 2022, the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) options paper was released by Treasury for public consultation (Options Paper). The Options Paper examines the regulatory challenges of emerging financial products, particularly BNPL, and the appropriate regulatory approach to maintain the advantages of accessing credit while sufficiently protecting consumers. With the closing date for […]


APRA’s letter on the review of the prudential framework for groups

On Monday 24 October 2022, John Lonsdale, the APRA Deputy Chair, issued a letter to all APRA-regulated entities outlining a roadmap for the review of the prudential framework for groups. The letter supports APRA’s recent paper regarding modernising the prudential architecture, which was published on 12 September 2022. The aim of APRA’s review is to […]


Insights learnt from APRA’s Risk Culture Survey

On 10 November 2022, APRA released the results from their most recent risk culture survey. The survey was provided to 18 authorised deposit-taking institutions (ADIs) between October and December 2021. The 18 ADIs comprised the five largest banks (Major ADIs) and 13 smaller entities, consisting of regional banks, foreign bank subsidiaries/branches, mutual banks, credit unions […]


APRA releases amendments to capital framework for ADIs

In November 2021, APRA released final prudential standards and guidance that accompany the ADI capital reforms, together with final prudential practice guides in July 2022. In the July 2022 release, APRA consulted on two proposals put forward for consequential amendments to be made to the capital frameworks. The proposals were encouraged to ensure consistency with […]


APRA to strengthen transfer planning in superannuation

On 10 November 2022, APRA released a discussion paper seeking consultation on strengthening superannuation trustee planning in successor fund transfers (SFTs) (Discussion Paper). The superannuation industry has seen a recent spate of SFTs. By way of example, QSuper and Sunsuper merged in February earlier this year to create the Australian Retirement Trust. LGIAsuper and Energy […]


ASIC publishes ‘Report 740: Insights from the Reportable Situations Regime: October 2021 to June 2022’

On 27 October 2022, ASIC released its first publication pertaining to information lodged under the reportable situations regime (formerly known as ‘breach reporting’). By way of background, the reportable situations regime commenced on 1 October 2021. The regime’s purpose was to strengthen the obligations of Australian Financial Services (AFS) licensees and to extend this obligation […]


What the new Respect@Work legislation means for employers

On 25 November 2022, the Anti-Discrimination and Human Rights Legislation Amendment (Respect at Work) Act 2022 (Cth) (Act) was passed by Parliament. This article highlights the legislative changes that employers must closely examine, understand and implement in their workplaces. Positive duty to eliminate unlawful sexual discrimination The Act amends the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SD […]


Amendments to the Fair Work Legislation – Secure Jobs, Better Pay

Introduction The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 (Amending Act), passed by Parliament on 2 December 2022, is the first tranche of the Albanese Government’s industrial relations reform agenda and amends the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (FW Act). The Amending Act has not passed without controversy, with many critics of […]


To retain or to destroy? The interaction between privacy, document retention and destruction policies

The significance of document or data retention, whilst not as fast paced as cryptocurrency or high yielding funds, cannot be understated. Over the past couple of months, we have witnessed some high-profile data breaches that have brought to the forefront a number of questions about how data is retained (as well as destroyed), the obligations, […]


Corruption and Integrity Update – November 2022

This month’s Corruption and Integrity Update features details of the National Anti-Corruption Commission legislation recently passed, the Commission of Inquiry into the Queensland Police Service’s responses to domestic and family violence final report, details on the implementation of the recommendations arising from the Fitzgerald 2.0 report and updates on both the Public Sector Bill 2022 […]


AFCA has the final word: Courts will only disturb AFCA determinations in limited circumstances

Australia Capital Financial Management Pty Ltd v Australian Financial Complaints Authority Limited [2022] NSWCA 204 The NSW Court of Appeal has upheld a decision that AFCA had jurisdiction to decide that a lender engaged in unconscionable conduct by taking a guarantee such that it was unenforceable and compensation had to be paid, despite the lender […]
