
Gadens is an association of independent partnerships.

This comprises separate partnerships carrying on business in Brisbane, Queensland and Adelaide, South Australia (ABN 30 326 150 968), Melbourne, Victoria and Sydney, New South Wales (ABN 29 991 935 627) and Perth, Western Australia (ABN 47 488 578 158, which also carries on business under the name Lavan) and their respective related bodies corporate. Each partnership governs itself and handles its administrative matters on a local basis. Although the associated firms use the Gadens name, there is no common ownership among them. No associated firm is responsible or liable for the acts or omissions of any other associated firm.

We use the word “partner”, on this website and generally, to refer to a member of the independent partnership in the location at which the individual practises.

All partners are Australian legal practitioners.

Terms of business

Advice is given and services are supplied by Gadens on the basis of the firm’s terms and conditions of business, which are available to clients by contacting the applicable office. By instructing Gadens, all clients of the firm agree to the firm’s terms and conditions of business, subject to any amendments which the firm has expressly agreed.

No liability is accepted or responsibility assumed for advice given or services supplied to persons who are not clients of the firm, unless the firm expressly agrees otherwise.

Gadens in Queensland and South Australia (ABN 30 326 150 968): Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.

Terms of use

The material on this website is only of general informational value. No person should act or refrain from acting solely on the basis of this material. It does not constitute legal advice and your access to this website does not, of itself, give rise to a relationship of lawyer and client. Gadens does not warrant the accuracy or currency of any material on this website.

In this website, any frames, links or other references to other websites, persons or information are used solely for convenience. Those references are not an endorsement of those parties or their products or services. We do not warrant the accuracy or suitability of any information contained in this or any other website.

As far as is permitted by law, Gadens excludes all liability (however caused, including in negligence) to any person or entity arising directly or indirectly out of the use of or reliance on materials contained in this website. Gadens does not warrant that the files contained in or referred to in this website are free of viruses or other defects. In the event that liability cannot, by law, be excluded, where permissible by law the liability of Gadens will be limited to re-supplying the relevant goods or services.

We (or our licensors) have and retain copyright in all works and other items contained in this website. We licence you to reproduce those works and other items only if:

  • the reproduction is for private purposes or your internal business purposes; and
  • you ensure that the works are clearly attributed to Gadens.

You must not otherwise exercise any copyright rights in any works or other items contained in this website, without Gadens’ prior written permission.

You must not use the Gadens trade mark without Gadens’ prior written permission.

These Terms of Use are governed by the laws applicable in Victoria, Australia. If we have a dispute with you in relation to these Terms of Use, the courts having jurisdiction in Victoria, Australia will have non-exclusive jurisdiction in relation to the dispute.

Gadens may amend these Terms of Use from time to time. Whenever you access this website you agree to the then-current version of these Terms of Use.

This version of these Terms of Use is dated September 2017. Click here to view our Privacy Policy.